Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Me: Next! 😜

Host-wear a cute cat outfit and walk up to Vinnie and say "Nya"!

Me: *looks at the KISS laptop* WHAT?! 😱There's no way I'm doing this! Especially with a burned left arm! 😳

Suzy: Oh you are so definitely doing this!

Me: Nuuuu! I don't want to! 😣

KellerSinger19: You're not getting away from us Emily!

Vixen91: *walks out already holding the cute cat outfit, and then grabs me by my arm and teleports me, Suzy, and KellerSinger19 to the Egyptian bedroom using her silver-colored Kissterian powers*

Me: Oh no...🫣

(*Two very boring minutes later, in the Egyptian bedroom...*)

Suzy: Aww! You look so cute Emily!

Me: *blushes heavily* I'm not so sure about this.

KellerSinger19: *giggles* You'll be fine. Besides, it's been a while since you and the Ankh Warrior have had some "alone time" together. 😉

Vixen91: *giggles* That gives me an idea on what to do with Ace.

Me: And w-what's that? 😟

Vixen91: I will explain everything after you do your dare from the KISS army.

Me: C-can I at least wear my bathrobe so the original four won't see me like this? They're the only ones here.

KellerSinger19: Sure! 😄 *summons my bathrobe that has realistic cats all over it*

Me: *quickly puts on my bathrobe* 😣

(*Two very boring minutes later*)

(*Emily didn't know that Vinnie was playing a game of UNO with the original four KISS members*)

Suzy, Vixen91, KellerSinger19: *pushes me towards Vinnie and the original four*

Me: Let go of me! 😖

Suzy: Have fun with your Ankh Warrior! 😉

(*Suzy and the girls leave the room*)

Paul: 😧

Gene: 😧

Ace: 😧

Peter: 🙀

Vinnie: *is thinking "Oh my God, is that Emily? Is she wearing a cute cat outfit"?*

Me: *does a cute pose* 😜 Nya!

Vinnie: 😍

Paul: S-so cute! 🥰

Gene: I see something that I like...😈

Ace: Ehhhh?! 🥵

Peter: *switches to his animal form, walks over to me and rubs the side of his body against my legs, purring happily* 😺

Me: It was a dare, okay?! 😣

Vinnie: *sits down on the couch and tries to pull himself together while blushing so much* 🥰

Paul: *licks his lips sexily, walks over to me, and then tries to kiss me* 🥰

Ace: *faints because he is overwhelmed by how adorable I am* 😵‍💫

Vinnie: Emily, you're so cute when you—-*then notices that Paul is just seconds away from kissing me on the lips* 🤯

Paul: *looks up and sees Vinnie wielding his Ankh Warrior scepter* OH SH*T! 😱

Vinnie: *his eyes are glowing white as he chases the Starchild* 😠

Paul: AHH! 😱 *makes a run for his bedroom to hide from Vinnie*

Me:  *sighs* This is what happens when the Starchild tries to flirt with me. 😨

Vinnie: Oh no you don't! *summons a bunch of golden balls of fire and shoots them at Paul from his ankh warrier* 😠

Paul: *accidentally trips over the carpet and falls down on his butt* Owww! 😣

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