Chapter Nine

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(*Meanwhile, at the Neverland Valley Ranch...*)

Michael Jackson: *gets a FaceTime call on his cell phone, and then gets excited when he sees whose number it is* Hi Emily!

Me: Hey Michael! How are you——OH NO!

Michael Jackson: Emily, what's the matter? Are you okay?


(*Then, Michael Jackson sees that the FaceTime call had lost signal*)

Michael Jackson: Oh my God...🫢 I'm coming over there right now. *quickly packs a suitcase and then boards the nearest flight to the spare building*

(*Back at the spare building...*)

Me: *has severe burn marks all around my left arm* OWWW! IT HURTS! IT HURTS! 😰

Suzy: Keep it steady Emily.

Eric Carr: Yeah, and don't worry. Vixen91 is calling for an ambulance right away.

(*Knock! Knock!*)

KellerSinger18: I'll get it! *runs towards the front door and opens it* Oh, hi Michael!

Michael Jackson: Hi Keller. Where's Emily? I lost signal when we on FaceTime and—

Me: *screams in pain* AAAAHHHH!

Michael Jackson: *gasps* Oh my God! *runs towards me* What happened to you Emily?

Suzy: Paul got crazy with his fire-breathing dragon powers after we duck taped his mouth shut.

Vinnie: And then, while we were all eating lunch, he was somehow able to escape.

Tommy: OH GOD NO!


Peter: We better catch him before he burns the entire spare building to smithereens! 🙀

Paul: *roars and growls while flying above the ceiling*

Michael Jackson: *is already starting to feel emotional because of what happened to him in the past when he got burned while filming a Pepsi commercial* W-why did this have to happen to you?? 😰

Vixen91: *runs in with the paramedics following her*

Paramedics: We need to get her to the emergency room immediately!

(*The paramedics carefully lift up Emily and put her on the stretcher, and then they load her up into the back of the ambulance*)

Gene: DAMMIT! Paul has already escaped from us!

Eric Singer: WHAT?! 🙀

Bruce: We better find him before somebody else does!

Eric Carr: You girls should probably go with Michael Jackson to the hospital so you can be there for Emily.

Suzy: Good idea, my foxy boi! 😃

Vixen91: I'll drive us there in my mud-bogging truck. 😀

(*Michael Jackson and rest of the girls get into Vixen91's mud-bogging truck to meet up with Emily at the hospital*)

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