Chapter Thirty-Four

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(*Eric Singer is eating out at a cat cafe/restaurant with KellerSinger19*)

Me: *is giving Anansi a bath before she goes to bed for the night* Anubis, can you go find some baby shampoo for your sister?

Anubis: Okay momma. *goes to get the baby shampoo for his little sister*

Paul: *is trying to eat a small bowl of Gold Fish crackers* Don't even think about it.

Cinnamon: *looks up at him* Meow!

Paul: Nope. *picks up a few Goldfish crackers and eats them*

Anubis: *brings the baby shampoo to me*

Me: Thank you Anubis.

Anubis: *nods his head and then goes to see what Cinnamon is up to*

Vinnie: *has just fine washing his face in the Egyptian bathroom*

Anubis: *grabs Vinnie by his leg* Dada?

Vinnie: *looks down at Anubis, wondering what he needs* Yeah?

Anubis: *points at Cinnamon, who was trying to steal some of Paul's Goldfish crackers*

Vinnie: *walks over to Cinnamon* Not today Cinnamon. *picks up Cinnamon and carries her to a different room*

Cinnamon: *meows* Meow!

Vinnie: No.

Cinnamon: *meows* Meow!

Vinnie: You can't have it.

Cinnamon: *meows and then starts squirm in his arms* Meow!

Vinnie: *walks into Ace's bedroom and puts her down on the floor* Stay.

Cinnamon: *looks up at Vinnie in confusion*

Vinnie: *walks out of Ace's bedroom to see if I needed any help, closing the door behind him*

(*Two very boring minutes later...*)

Eric Carr: *hears a crashing noise coming from Ace's bedroom* What's that sound?

Ace: I dunno. *points his thumb backwards and teleports himself to his bedroom* ACK! SHE'S TRYIN' TO DESTROY MY ORIGINAL SPACEMAN COSTUME! 😱

Cinnamon: *bites down on Ace's original KISS spaceman costume*

Ace: Don't do it, curly! 😨

Cinnamon: *ignores Ace*

Gene: *walks in to see what Ace is screaming about* Are you fu(bleep!) kidding me?! 🤯 Cinnamon, don't you dare touch that! 😡

Cinnamon: *ignores what Gene has to say, and keeps on biting and scratching Ace's original KISS Spaceman costume*

Peter: *switches to his cat form and rushes into Ace's bedroom to chase Cinnamon away*

Cinnamon: *looks up*

Peter: *meows* (Don't do that!) (That's stuff is irreplaceable!) 🙀

Cinnamon: *hisses and swats her paw at Peter* 😾

Peter: *immediately backs away from Cinnamon* (Oh crud!) (That was a close one!) 🙀

(*Then, Eric Singer and KellerSinger19 return to the spare building after their date at a cat cafe/restaurant*)

KellerSinger19: *walks in through the front door with Eric Singer and sees all the commotion* Oh boy...

Eric Singer: Looks like Emily's cat got herself into trouble.

KellerSinger19: Yep. It seems like it. We should probably go and help them.

Eric Singer: Yeah, we should.

(*Eric Singer and KellerSinger19 go to do just that*)

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