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Genre: Adventure, Anthropomorphic,Drama, & Sienese

Studio: Studio Dean

Date: Fall 2005

Episodes 26

Seasons 1?


A dog named Weed happens to hear that he is the son of Gin, the great leader of Ohu who lead the dogs of Ohu to victory in a fight against monsterous bear, Akakabuto. Weed wants to find his father no matter what. On a journey to find his father Weed meets many friends and enemies.

(Source: ANN)

My Opinion:

This anime is a very old anime.  It has that old art style of an anime that was definitely made___. Now I don't know if I ever would've found this anime on my own.  A friend won the random anime episode that we watch at the Anime Club that I go to. And this was the random that she decided to choose. She really wanted people to see. I remain open about the possibility, despite the weird name.  To my surprise, there were a lot of people food didn't like the anime. And also, to my surprise, I actually did like the anime. The anime contains some blood or fighting scenes. Maybe even a little graphic seems depending on your description of graphic. But this is the type of show that when you see the blood, you can tell that it doesn't have that same look as real blood. Besides, some animes need some fighting in it to make it a good anime. I wouldn't say this anime was gruesome.

Oh, I certainly have not watched the entire anime because from what my friend tells me, it's a very long anime with many seasons.  Maybe one of these days her and I will get to watch a bunch of the show together until them, though I recommend seeing if you can find me (Anime) and giving it a try. I believe my friend found the episode we watched on YouTube. Go to try it before just deciding. Nope that's not an anime for me.

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