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Genre: Animation, Action & Adventure, Fantasy

Summary: Naruto is the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a shinobi who wants to obtain the title of Hokage. An incident occurred twelve years ago, however, when a nine-tailed demon fox attacked the village; many shinobi fell, until the 4th Hokage sealed the demon within a baby: Naruto. As a result, the adults see him as the demon. Now a Genin, Naruto is part of a three-man team, along with Sasuke, Sakura, and their instructor, Kakashi. Together, they will face many challenges, make friends, face deadly enemies, and try to survive.

Opinion: Naruto another classic anime many people have seen. I saw this when I was younger and now it has like all together 26 seasons. I lost track a long time ago but the original Naruto was good. If you have never seen it I highly suggest doing so because it's such a classic.

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