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Genre: Comedy, Music, Slice of Life

Summary: Whether it be facing misogynistic remarks from her boss or being pressured by condescending co-workers, stress is just another part of the job for 25-year-old red panda Retsuko. Despite being one of the most diligent workers at her office, her diminutiveness and modesty often lead her to be exploited by her colleagues. However, when her irritation hits the limit, Retsuko brings forth her unique brand of letting off steam: aggressive death metal karaoke bashing the idiocy and hypocrisy of her co-workers' actions and work life. Although this venting only takes place in her mind, it gives her an outlet to counter her frustration in a world where hierarchy and appearances reign supreme.

Opinion: Well this show was not what I was expecting at all. Don't be fooled by the cute art style and think it's for little kids because this show is not meant for little kids.  This sweet looking character has a bit of a scary side and I would not want to make her mad. I would say that this show isn't my kind of style but a friend recommended so I tried an episode. If you do like a show with animals and like the genres then you will probably enjoy this show. Just because I don't doesn't mean that you won't like it either so before you deny it give it a try.

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