Chapter 31

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Before you all start reading, please take the time to think this over.......Firstly let me start off by saying that I really do appreciate you all reading my stories. You do not know how much it means to me that some of you have fallen in love with the characters and some of you do enjoy the story. So with that in mind, I feel as if I have stressed the importance of how much it means to me that you all leave just the tiniest of expressions of what you thought about the story. I say this, not to just get comments for you all, but because I am really considering publishing my stories and before I do, I just want feedback on them, not to much, just a little something that tells me, how I'm doing or if something you all thinks is messing or needs to be added. And if I'm not getting the feedback I need, I don't think that my stories will be good enough to publish. So please help a girl feel like she has accomplished something and leave me a little comment.


P.S. I have entered this along with some of my other stories in the Wattsy2015, so if you'd like please go and vote for me and your fav. stories. Okay that's it. Go and enjoy the story and I hope to hear from you all soon. Thanxxs a Million. ~Aqierra

P.S. P.S. I don't know why the story uploaded the way it did, so please bare with me until I can get the problem fixed.

Chapter 31

Lyndon's Pov.

It had been a couple of hours since, we all had woken up on the hospital's floor. Waking up it seemed that whatever Tristan did, she was powerful enough to knock the whole pack on its' ass considering the fact, that the second we all woke up Julian started getting reports that everyone was in the pack had woken up with foggy, cloudy memory of how they were out cold.

Vivian Carter hadn't been in the hospital when we all woke up. There had been no sign of her after we all came to, and Julian had been quick to send out a search team for her. But to no luck at all, he came up short with any signs of her. His mate, Tristan's mother, Jordan had been in a bad mood every since she had gotten up.

And she wasn't the only one.

I couldn't believe the fact that Tristan was working for Nathan. I couldn't believe that Nathan would do something so cruel to his family. I was almost certain that Nathan was Lance, and if I was true, I couldn't get over the fact that he was causing his family and pack so much pain.

But I couldn't believe that Tristan was apart of it.

My beautiful soul mate, was working with the enemy. And I couldn't help the fact that I felt betrayed. I know that when I first meet her, that we didn't have the most pleasant meeting, especially considering the fact that I had no idea that she was my mate until I heard the word come out of her mouth. And even after I had tried my best to pull away from her, she always found a way to get around me.

I never thought that she would be capable of betraying her family and her pack, and less of all me. I thought that wolves were incapable of hurting their mates. I thought that wolves in pack prided themselves on not betraying their pack mates, but Tristan had.

She knew about Nathan Briggs this entire time. She knew about Rowland, and now she had taken Vivian. And that meant that the Nightingale pack was at its' weakest. No alpha and no Luna meant easy access.

While Julian sent teams out to look for Vivian, Blake and the others evacuated the town.

I had been sitting in the living room thinking over everything that had happened since my family and I arrive here. We knew that coming here would have some risks, but I never imagined that I would lose my mother in the process of things. I had never expected that I'd be mated to some wolf, and I had never really expected for the other hunters to catch on so quick and threaten everything this pack had worked to build since losing their future Alpha.

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