Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Rowland's Pov.

            "Poor little Alpha, can't even protect his family." A soft voice spoke from the darkness. Sitting up, I felt a buzz sound ringing in my ears, and I felt dizziness consume me. "But that's okay, because the pack will fall just as it's alpha will." A soft laughter filled my ears.

            Sitting up straighter, I let my eyes adjust to the darkness.

            "Well look who's finally up." The same soft voice spoke from the darkness. I watched as a slim figure emerged from the dark. The first thing I saw was long dark wavy hair, then came a pale face. I watched as the woman came into my view. Her stained red lips held a smirk, so dark and sinister.

            I watched as she walked over to a table and lit a candle, and when she was done lighting the candle, she held the burning match up to her face, and smiled at me blowing the fire out. I heard her let out a laugh, and heard her as she begin to walk my way.

            "What's the matter love, don't you remember me?" She said kneeling down beside me. She reached over and grabbed my chin in between her fingers.

            "I remember you." I said in a nonchalant voice.

            I watched as a smile appeared on her face, her green eyes glowing wild, "I knew you would."

            "Where am I?" I asked looking around the dimly lit room. There wasn't much in here, except for the table in the corner and the candle. There were no windows at all, and there was one door. The room was a dusty, which let me know that no one had been here in a while.

            "Damn, time has been good to you." She said, and I could feel her run her thumb smoothly against my jaw. My wolf growled on the inside of me not liking the way she was behaving herself around me. It was unsettling, and unwelcomed.

            "Where am I?" I repeated again, in a stronger voice.

            As if she didn't like the tone of my voice, her green eyes zoomed in on me, and she narrowed her gaze at me. "Now, now Rowland, behavior yourself like a good little alpha, or else I'll put you down like the mutt you are." She spoke in a clear and cold voice.

            "You could try, but you and I both know that you won't." I said glaring at her. "You never had the guts to do anything against me. You will always be that weak witch, do afraid of her own shadow." I laughed in her face.

            I watched as a flash of shock went through her face. Just as if it hadn't been there, I watched as she placed a soft smile on her face. "That maybe true," she said leaning her head down so that she was next to my ears. "Or is it?" She asked, "Tell me something Rowland, how did it feel when you first born son was taken away from you. Was your heart ripped out of your chest? Did the mourning of your son, not send you into a fit a rage?" She whispered in my ears. I watched as she pulled her face away from me.

            "You should really thank me you know." She said with a firm grip on my face. "Now you have the strongest pack in the world. And who made this pack into what it was? I did! I broke your pack and I forced you to make it the way it is today. Feared by all, hated by many, but no one dared to step foot into this territory."

"You speak as if you had any part in that." I spat at her.

            "Oh but I did." She laughed darkly. "What did you believe that all this time you thought that the hunters and the rouges were the ones that were behind this pack misery? Did you honestly believe that they were able to get through your territory unnoticed by themselves? Oh Rowland honey, you seriously doubted me." She continued to laugh.

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