Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Unknown Pov.

I sat in the vacate room, watching the warm sun set. I remember the good old days when watching the nice warm sun setting brought the warm and eliminating glow to my heart, making me smile in the hopes that I would someday have it all, A powerful husband, loving children, and a crowd of people that would look my way for influence and guidance. That was the life that I once wished for.

            Now looking at the weak sight of a sun setting, brought this cold chill to my heart that somehow warmed my soul.

            Who cared about having a powerful husband who commanded respect when he walked into the room, and more importantly gave command to thousands of people. Who needed the loving children anyways? Children were nothing but little menaces, and whining brats, who did nothing but suck the life out of a person.  And as for a crowd of people that would look my way for influence and guidance, well I most certainly had that. Though I cannot say that my influence was always the right way. No I didn’t need those things, to make me happy. Bringing pain, and having my vengeances was of the only happiness that I needed.

            And I was going to make sure that those who wronged me, would pay for it. Those that ruined my life, would have a life ruined of their own, and that was only if I didn’t kill them first.

            As I continued to watch the sun fade I took a sip from my red wine, grinning in pure wickedness. My time was slowly approaching, the time for wrecking havoc among those that did me wrong was surely coming. And what I had in mind was something that the super natural beings would be talking about way after I’m gone.

            Taking one last sip while thinking of what was coming next, I was stopped by the sudden knock on my door.

            “Lady Priestess, it is time.” I heard a soft dry voice say behind me. I let out a small sigh and turned away from the window just as the sun had finally set. I turned to look at the woman who had come in. She was small and delicate like a flower, I could crush. Her skin was pale and her eyes were blank, holding back any emotions from me to see. Her long red hair hung down from her back as she watched me carefully. “The rogues are in place, and ready to attack on your command.”

            “Good.” I said slowly walking over to her and stopping right in front of her, and staring her in her mossy green eyes. “And the girl, have you identified her yet?”

            Lowering her head and avoiding eye contact from me, she slowly shook her head. “We have, Lady Priestess.”

            At the sound of her words, a small grind started to form on my face. “My dear, dear Willow, lift your head, for you have nothing to be afraid of.” I said taking my fingers and slowly lifting her head so that she was looking at me straight in the eyes. “This is a happy moment for us, this is the time that we have all been waiting for. No one and I do mean no one will be able to stop us. Do you agree?”

            “Yes, my Lady.”She said

            “Good, I what that girl. And I want her alive, do you understand Willow?” I said taking a closer step to her. As I was doing so, I noticed the trembling look in her eyes, making me smirk, at the thought of her fearing me.

            “Yes, my Lady.” She said in the same dry voice.

            “Good, now give the order for the rogues to attack the pack. I want no one left alive. See to it that all of those pack mutts are as dead as the carpets on this floor, no one lives. And in the mean time, I’ll be welcoming home our sisters.” I laughed wickedly.

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