Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Lyndon’s Pov.

            After the morning I had, I was damn near ready to break down. I was slowly but surely losing my mind, and the only thing my mind seemed to focus on was the thought of finding Tristan. After watching Mel get thrown to the ground like a rag doll, and fighting for our lives and losing my mother, I was on the verge of losing it. And if I couldn’t find Tristan, then everything would start to feel like a waste of time, and I would start to feel useless, especially because of the fact that my mother had died and there was nothing that I could do to help her.

Finding Tristan and making sure that she was safe felt like the right thing to do. It felt like it was the only thing for me to do in order to keep me going.

            I had no idea where she was. And the thought of that had me on the edge. I knew nothing about her really, which meant that I didn’t have a clue on where to start looking for her. But I knew that I had to try. As much as the idea killed me to think of, I knew that the best thing for me to do, was to leave Mel where she was. I didn’t want her anymore involved in this then she already was, and for some reason, I knew that I could trust Mason. And I knew that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

            It took everything in me not to stay behind and stay with my little sister, but for the life of me, I couldn’t get the thought of Tristan out of my mind. And after coming face to face with a couple of hunters, I knew that not even the wolves in this place was safe from them, and that meant that the longer Tristan was out there alone on her own, than the more at risk she became as a target for the hunters, and I would be damned it anything happened to her. If any of those bastards even came close to touching her, I’d kill them before they could even blink.

            So with that in mind, I told Mel to stay in the room, and to stay close to Mason, and I told her that I would be back, right before I jumped out of the window.

            But that was a little over two hours ago. I had been to all of the local hang out spots where I saw some of the other high school students go and had no luck. And even though it was a weekend, I even stopped by the high school and still nothing.

            I had been wondering around this town and end up in the woods and not one sign of her had presented itself to me.

            I was slowly starting to lose faith in finding her when I heard a twig snap. I stopped and turned quickly facing the person who was following me. The first thing I noticed were that there were two of them following me. One of them seemed to be more alert then the other. Both were male and both were werewolves, which made me become more guarded. I focused my eyes on the wolf that was eyeing me suspicious. He was tall and dark skin, and he looked like any other male wolf, very athletic and very dangerous. He looked to be around my age. And even though he was about my age, that didn’t stop the fact that the guy seemed to have a hold of a powerful prescience. No he wasn’t an alpha, I knew that right off the back. He didn’t seem to possess that natural power of an alpha, but something about him seemed to be powerful.

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