Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

Jordan's Pov.

Sitting in my office looking over some of my patients charts I was interrupted by my door opening and closing. I looked up and saw my daughter storming over to the seat opposite mine. She was still dressed in her school clothes and from the looks of things she wasn't too happy. Her clearly bright grey eyes were now darken, which was letting me know that her inner wolf was close to coming forth. She flopped down in the chair and crossed both her legs and her arms, as she angrily glared out the window behind me.

"Hey lady, what's wrong?" I said smiling gently at her.

She glanced over at me and returned her glare back to the window. "What's right?" She muttered, as she slammed her back against the back of the chair.

"Bad day, uh?"

"More like worst day of my life." She said under her breathe.

"What's the matter sweetie?"

She took a minute to answer my question, letting the air fill with tension.

"It's all his fault." She said throwing her hands in the air. "Selfish, stupid, son of a b-"

"Watch your month!" I said giving her the look. She looked back at me and I noticed her eyes soften.

"I'm sorry mom." She said crossing her arms again. "It's just that Lyndon isn't playing right. He is noticing me. And when he does, it's only because he sees some other guy talking to me." She said rolling her eyes. "I mean that idiot should know that he can't have it both ways. It's either he doesn't notice me, or he does and we can get to know each other, and I can tell him my secret." She sulked. "Why does our family have to be the ones with the jacked up mates." She said glaring playfully at me.

"And what's that suppose to mean?" I said giving her the eye again.

She tilted her head to the side and took a slow breath. "Well you and dad didn't have the easiest time with mating each other." I let out a laugh while trying to keep the same look. "And if memory and the stories I've been told are right, you punched dad the first time he ever kissed you. And it only got worst from that, until it got better." She said returning my look.

I laughed at her and begun to check another patients charts. "True, I did punch your...several times in fact. But that was only because I was a young inexperience HUMAN at the time, and I didn't know anything about werewolves and mates. All I know was that I serving tables and the next thing I knew was this strange sexy young man, was kissing me in a way that I didn't know existed." I smiled thinking of the day when my world changed.

"Eww, mom!"

Laughing slightly at the look on her face, I continued. "Say what you want, but it was true. I wasn't accustomed to the sparks that would shot throughout my body, or how good things would fill, and it scared me that a stranger could have so much control over me. So yes, I fought your father every step of the way." I said looking her in the eyes. "And yes, I kicked his ass when he need to be put in his place.

She nodded her head cracking a smile. "But that's just it, I don't want to be like dad, and chase this guy around. I don't want to wear him down to the point where he has no choice but to give in to the sparks. I don't want to be that girl, and I don't what Lyndon to be that guy." She said slumping down in her chair. "I want him to accept this, to accept me so that we can at least establish a friendship. I just want to be there for him, is that hard to ask for?" She said.

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