Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Lyndon’s Pov

            After Vivian had left, I decided that Nathan had to go.

            For some reason, watching Vivian break down in front of me ate away at me. I didn’t like the fact that she was hurting the way she was. It wasn’t right. It was fair. She shouldn’t be suffering like this. And the fact that my own kind had down this to hear made me feel disgusting.

            I hated knowing that my people could do something so veil as to hurt someone by going after their children.

            But when Nathan came down the stairs and I watched as she looked at him, I knew for sure that he was Lance Carter. She knew it to. I could tell.

            The only thing that I didn’t get was the fact that she would look at me, and then look back at Nathan. It was as if she was comparing us. I saw the look of confusion on her face as she looked at me and back to Nathan. And although I didn’t have the slightest glue on what she was thinking I knew she was conflicted.

            When Nathan started to talk to her, I watched them to see what would happen. And when she put her hand to his face and asked him, if it was really him, something snapped at him.

            I didn’t miss the look to cross Nathan’s face as he watched her. It was as if he knew her. He looked confused and unsure, but he also looked like he had recognized her.           

            But then when he thought that she was my mother something stung me. He looked at the both of us, just as Vivian had. Almost as if he was trying to figure something out.

            When Vivian had ran out Nathan had this lost look on his face. He watched as she ran off with tears in her eyes. “That was weird.” He had said confusion clear in his voice. “She seemed so familiar.”

            When he had said that I knew for sure, that he was Vivian’s son. And at the thought of this, something stung me. I wasn’t sure if I was all too happy about that. Every since Nathan had arrived we had been getting close, and whenever we hung out, I found myself feeling everything he had felt. We were so similar, but so different. He was this town long lost alpha, and I was just some hunter whose parents probably helped attack his pack and separate him from his parents.

            But when I had gotten Nathan to leave, I decided to go see Vivian.

            I knew that there was a huge probability that I wouldn’t live much longer. But I had to see her.

            That’s why when I arrive at her door, unarmed and defenseless, I was ready for anything. If she deemed me not worthy of living, then I was a dead man. I would die with honor, and not lift a finger to save myself.           

            I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, but before I could anything, the door swung open, revealing a Monica who smiled brightly at me when she saw me.

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