Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Mason’s Pov.

            Entering the room the last thing that I had expected to happen was my mother going for Melrose’s throat. When my mother threw Mel on the ground my wolf nearly went mad at the sight. I took a step forward to get Mel away, and to handle my mother, but before I could do anything my father had already gotten a hold of my mother, wrapping her tightly in his arms.

            I bent down to Mel’s side and picked her up bridal style, securing her in my arms and storming out of the room. With her in my arms, I could hear her whimpering and crying, and that only caused me to hold on to her tighter.

            I quickly walked into my room with her brother Lyndon trailing closely behind us. I walked into my room and placed Mel onto my bed sitting her down. A string of her hair was hanging loosely down the side of her face, and she looked up at me with glassy tear stinging eyes. Those green eyes bore into my soul which only seemed to angry me more.

            “Mase,” she cried out with tears flowing down her eyes. “what did I do?”

            I let out a deadly low growl, as my expression softened. I couldn’t help myself when I pushed the string of hair behind her ears and lowered my hands down to her neck, making her look at me.

            Her eyes focused on me as I begun to shake my head slowly. “Listen to me.” I said wiping the fallen tears from her face. “You did nothing wrong. That had nothing to do with you. Well it did, but not in the way you thought it did. That was all her Mel.” I said looking over at Lyndon, who was standing by the window watching us carefully. I turned and focused my attention back on Mel. “My mother…she could be very protective of her children. And I guess her seeing me with you caused her and her wolf to lass out. I’m sorry. That’ll never happen again.”

            “This can’t be happening.” She said shaking her head as more tears fell. “Tristan’s missing, my mother’s death, and then I get attacked by your mother.” She said sniffing. “Can my life get anymore crazy.”

            “Stay here until I come and get you both.” I said looking at Lyndon before standing up and making my way out of the room.

            I headed straight for my father’s office, where both my parents were alone with Jordan, Blake, Monica, and some older woman who I had never seen before. When I walked in my father was talking to my mother in a hard tone. It wasn’t too hard to figure out that they were arguing, and judging by the loud shouts of my mother’s voice, it was definitely about something she wasn’t going to step down from. And neither was I for that matter.

            Walking into the office, I made my way over to my mother, grabbing her by the arm and turning her to look at me.

            Before she could say anything, I spoke. “What hell was that?!” I yelled, making her narrow her eyes at me.

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