Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Jordan’s Pov.

            I was in complete and total shock.

            I felt like I was stuck. I couldn’t move from my spot on the floor. I have only seen something like what just happened, once in my life, and that was the day that Vivian’s son was killed. I could still remember the look in her eyes. Those dark purple eyes shimmer with complete hatred when she attacked and killed those hunters and rogues. I could still remember feeling the power that was emanating from her.

            Thinking about that day and how Vivian acted, brought me back to the situation I was in.

            Looking around the room, the first thing I spotted was Chrissy Sanders who was still holding the body of her dead son. Tears where pouring from her eyes as she cried silently.

            Glancing to the side of me, I saw Julian looking towards the front door, where Tristan and her mate had gone.

            The look on his face matched my owns. He looked shock, and lost. His normal olive complex was now as pale as a ghost. His brown warm brown eyes filled with confusion, and his hair winded.

            I could tell that he was at a loss for words, as he tried to wrap his mind around what just happened.

            “What the hell just happened?” I heard Vivian say from the other side of me. Her voice was hard, and I could hear the confusion in it. Looking around the room, it was safe to say that everyone in here was just as confused as the next person.

            Looking over I Vivian’s eyes meet mines, as we both sat on the floor in shock. I slowly shook my head, not knowing what to say.

            “I don’t know.” Julian said from the side of me. Looking over I watched him slowly rise from the floor, with the same puzzled look on his face. He looked down and saw my face. Shock clearly sketched across it. He bent down and grabbed me by the arms, and helped me up. “But I plan on finding out.” He said walking towards the door.

            Quickly reaching out and grabbing him by the arm, I pulled him back towards me. “No.” I said catching his eyes. “I don’t know what just happened, but you can’t go out there by yourself.” I said bringing my hands down from his arms and wrapping them in his hands. “I’ll go to.” I said.

            “No.” he said firmly.

            Knitting my hands together I gave him a look that told him not to argue with me. “What do you mean no.” I all but yelled. “Julian, she’s my daughter I have to go and find her to.” I said.

            Watching a warm look cross his face, I sighed.

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