Chapter 6

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Chapter six

Vivian's Pov.

Seventeen Years Later

There was a loud crashing sound, that was heard from downstairs, and I quickly jumped up from my bed and made my way down to see what was happening. When I made it downstairs I rushed over to the living room to see what was going on. Walking into the living room, I found Blake and Monica standing next to each other eyeing me careful, and it looked like they were hiding something. Folding my arms I narrowed my eyes at them. "What's going on?" I asked in a low voice.

"Nothing." Monica said in her sweet and innocent voice.

I uncrossed my arms and smiled at them as I started to make my way over to them. I knew my children well enough to know that whenever Monica used her innocent tone, that something bad had happened.

Stopping right in front of them I looked down and saw what they were trying to hide. My smile dropped and I bent down to pick up what was broken. Both Blake and Monica stepped away from me. I held the broken picture frame in my hands and I slowly pulled out the picture that was inside of it. Looking at the picture I could feel tears that I was sure I had gotten rid of, form in my eyes. Wiping the tears off of my face, I stared at the picture. It was the one and only picture that I had of him, of the son that I didn't have the chance of watching grow up. I remember the day of the picture, as if it was yesterday it was the day that I had gotten out of the hospital, after giving birth. He was the first one out of the triplets that I held first.

Looking at the picture, a soft smile begin to form on my face as I glanced at the sleeping child, who I held in my arms. My eyes begin to water, when I glanced at myself in the picture, and I felt more tears form, as I remembered that moment in my life.

It was truly one of the happiest moments in my life.

"Who broke it." I said in a soft voice, taking my eyes of the picture and looking at them. Blake and Monica looked up at each other with worry filled in their eyes, before both turning to look at me.

I saw as Monica begin to say something, but was cut short when Blake spoke up. "It was me," he said, "I know that you told me time and time again, not to play ball in the house, but I couldn't help it. I was to amped about tonight's soccer game and you know how I can be when I get excited about a game." He said bending down and picking up the soccer ball that was in the pile of broken glass. "I'm sorry mom, it won't happen again, I promise." He said smirking at me.

I looked at him, and glanced over to see a shocked Monica. I shook my head at them. "Is that true?" I asked Monica. She shook her head slightly, and looked at me. "Okay, but if it happens again, you are going to have to deal with me sir. Do you understand?" I said standing up and walking over to him. He smiled and shook his head. "No more soccer in the house." I stated firmly. He nodded and took Monica by the hand dragging her out of the room.

I watched them leave, smiling at the fact that Blake would always take up for Monica, even if he didn't do it. I smiled at the thought. I always knew that he would stand up for her and protect her. He always seemed to defend her or take the blame for something he didn't do. Even as a young boy, he was there cleaning up their messes.

It warmed my heart to know that they were so close, and I loved the fact that they always stood up for each other.

I walked over to the coffee table and placed the picture that I was holding in my hands on the table, making a note to go out and get another frame. Then I followed my children out of the living room and into the kitchen, where Rowland was sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee.

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