Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Vivian Pov.

            We met Alpha Blasé at the front door. He was just getting out of his car and started to approach us.

            Alpha Blasé was one of the strongest alphas that I ever had a chance to meet. Well besides Rowland of course. He was kind of quite but his actions spoke louder than anything. If he had a problem, he knew just how to handle it. Many wolves thought that he was strict or harsh when he made up his mind or gave a command. I just thought that he knew what he wanted and knew just how to get it.

            “Rowland, nice to see you again.” Alpha Blasé said, coming up to Rowland and giving him one of those manly hugs. He then looked to Alex and Julian and nodded at them, “Alex and Beta Julian.” He said with a small smile. I felt a smirk coming onto my face when I felt his eyes land on me. Rowland wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me closer to his side.

When he did that I felt my smirk growing a little. “Luna Vivian.” Alpha Blasé said “Nice to see you again.” He said stretching his hands out for me to shake. I let out a soft laugh and rolled my eyes at him. Without any warnings I threw myself in his arms. He’d caught me without and hesitations.

I know that you may think that it was weird, me throwing myself into someone else’s arms, especially considering that my mate was standing right behind me. But in all honesty, it wasn’t weird at all. Rowland didn’t mind at all. He understood why I acted the way I did when Alpha Blasé came around. To him Alpha Blasé was another member apart of our family. He was like a big brother to me. Before I became alpha of my fathers’ pack, the Blue Rivers Pack, Alpha Blasé father and my father were old friends. We practically grew up around each other and he would always be there for me if I had any problems. He could try to play it cool all he wanted but the truth was we were family.

            Before I even met Rowland, Blasé was like a protector for me. He knew that a lot of people found my father’s pack to be dangerous and with him mating to my mother, I knew that they found me to be a threat. A lot of wolves had tried to bring down my father’s pack and for that, we had people trying to challenge us in hopes of destroying us, of destroying me. But with the help of Blasé and his father and their pack, most wolves thought twice before actually challenging us. And for that I was very grateful. He was really a good friend to me and my family and Rowland understood that. He also understood that we had a connection to one and other although our bond wasn’t as strong as Rowland’s’ and mines, it was pretty solid.

I pulled out of his arms and he looked down and smiled at me. Blasé didn’t smile much but when he did I kid you not he really had a way of lighting up a room.

I took two steps back and found myself back in the arms of Rowland. Blasé continued to greet people moving on from me to Maria.

“I swear you two get lovelier every time I see you.” Blasé complimented both Maria and me.

“Hey watch it.” Alex laughed. “That’s my mate you’re talking about.”

“Lucky man” Blasé said. I saw a bit a sadness flash through his eyes and I instantly felt sorry for him. Blasé had yet to find his mate which was sad because he was a great man who deserved to find happiness and get to have a chance to find what I found in Rowland. It was about time he found his mate and I couldn’t wait for the day when that happened.

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