Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Vivian’s Pov.

            “I can’t believe we’re doing this.” Were the words that Jordan spoke as we sat at the desk in Rowland’s office with a map of the town sitting on top of it. She had been going on about this for a while in an unbelievable tone. She still wasn’t use to the fact that she was a witch, but with the rogues and hunters gathering, I didn’t really have time to walk her through her spiritual journey of being a witch.

            Right now I needed Jordan, and I needed her to be focused.

            I sighed softly to myself trying my best to hold the annoyance that was surely slipping through. Rising my head I looked her in the eyes, catching her full attention. I could see that uncertainty clearly in them, and I could also see a hint of fear in them. She was scared, and that was something I knew for a fact.

            I reached my hand across the desk and took her hand in my own, and smiled warmly at her.

            “Jordan,” I began, letting out a loose breathe. “I know that everything is weird for you now. I know that you spent the better half of your life believing that werewolves weren’t really, and witching were something that was close to those of fairy tales, and bedtime stories. And I’m sorry that I exposed you like that, and broke the bound that was held on you. But I need your help.” I said as a tear began to form in my eye. “And not only do I need you, but the back needs, you, and Blake. He’s needs you, and so does Tristan.”

            When I mentioned Tristan’s name, I could feel her trying to pull her hand out of mine, but I only held on tightly to her.


            “Don’t.” She said in a whisper. She head hung her head when I first begin to talk, but when she opened her mouth, I caught the hurt look in her eyes. I saw the pain she was in and again I saw the fear etched on her face. I sighed again and continued to talk.

            “She needs you. She needs her mother. She needs her father, and she needs this pack.” I said

            “Vivian I-“

            “Please. “ I said, again, lifting my head to look at her. “Please help me, and I’ll help you control this. I can help you, we can find them. We can find Tristan, and we can…we can find out if Lance is really dead. “I whispered.

            Every since I broke the bound on Jordan’s witch powers last night I spent every moment since then trying to convince her to help do a locating spell that would help us track Tristan down, and I’ve also been trying to see if she could get any reading on Lance, but she could barely pull anything together to use her powers.

            So far nothing has happened and things just seem to be going nowhere.

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