Chapter 20

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 Chapter 20

Lyndon’s Pov.

            As I watched Tristan’s face form in confusion, I could literally see that she had meant what she said. The look in her face, and the tone of her voice told me that she was speaking the truth in what she had told me.

            I took a couple of steps towards her and grabbed her hand and squeezed it as I led her to the bed. Sitting her down and bending down so that I was facing her, my eyes caught sight to her beautiful grey ones as they seem to hold this spark that I didn’t notice was there.

            “Tristan, you” I started, not really sure on how to tell her what I needed to tell her. “you killed someone.”

            I watched and waited on her reaction. At first she just sat there as if what I had said went in one ear and out the other. She sat on the bed staring into my eyes, as if she were searching for something.

            And then I watched as she took a deep breath and released it with a shaky breath. “Killed someone?” she said shaking her head. “I didn’t kill anyone. And I never will.” She said with the same shaky laugh.


            “No Lyndon.” She said looking down at me. Her bright grey eyes, started to get darker, making me think of a stormy morning. Her long black hair flowed down to her chest forming perfectly around her face, making her look so fragile and innocent.

            She lowered her head for a second and when she lifted it up again, I could see this scared look past through to her face. “Who?” She asked in a soft voice. She spoke so soft and low, it was a wonder that I even heard her in the first place. “Who did I kill?”

            “I don’t know. I’ve only seen the guy around a couple of times, and I didn’t know his name to well.” She looked up and our eyes met. I reached up and placed my hand on her cheek, and smiled warmly at her when I notice her lift her hand to place it on mines, as she closed her eyes and sighed.

            I heard as she let out a loud sigh and I looked up to see tears falling freely down her face. “Oh Joey.” She cried. “I killed Joe.” She said as tears continued to fall.

            I didn’t ask her how she knew who she had killed, something deep down inside had told me that her knowing who she killed was somehow related to what happened to her earlier today. I got up slowly and sat myself down on the bed. As soon as I was seated I felt Tristan wrap her tiny arms around my neck as she cried more. As soon as her arms where around me I begin to feel this warm feeling spread throughout my body. Something inside of me loved the way her arms felt around me.

            Without hesitation I picked her up and cradled her in my lap like a child as she cried.

            I wanted to help her. I wanted to make this pain that she was feeling to go away. And I wanted her to stop hurting. But I knew that her pain was far from over. I knew that taking someone’s life was no joke. It hunted you forever. It played on your mind, and no matter how much you tried to forget about it, the feeling you had when you first take a life was always there. And that was something that I would never make her forget. So I did the only thing I could.

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