Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Vivian’s Pov.

            As I approached the house, I could fill my wolf growling on the inside. There were few things that we every disagreed with and this was one thing. For some reason the thought of me hurting Lyndon unsettled my wolf. She didn’t like the idea of it, and to be honest I wasn’t too keen on hurting him either.

            But enough was enough.

            First Mason had a vision about Lyndon and the war, and now surrounding packs that were allied with our pack were now being taken down, one by one. Something was going on, and I was going to find out.

            And as much as it pained me to bring harm to Lyndon, my family came first before anything, and if Lyndon was the cause of the war, I was going to put a stop to it.

            Knocking on the door, I could feel my entire mood darkening. I had gained control of my wolf, and by now my eyes were probably black.

            Knocking on the door, I waited for someone to answer.

            The door opened revealing a confused looking Lyndon. He was wearing a black shirt with dark blue jeans dressed somewhat similar to me. When I looked at his brown eyes, they were holding this bright spark to them, right before I walked into his home unexpected.

            As I walked in I forcefully slammed the door, grabbing Lyndon by the throat and slamming him up against the door holding in place.

            I watched as the nails from my hand around his neck started to grow longer, as I released a loud snarl.

            “Hello Lyndon.” I growled, as he tried to get my hold from around him.

            Bringing my arm back, slamming him against the wall again, making picture frame fall off of it, I growled at him, stopping him from trying to get my hand from around his neck. He stopped moving and looked at me.

            The look he gave me, told me that he knew what I was, and he knew that I was in a dangerous mood. The look that filled his face was one that showed no fear. He was not afraid of me. Though he was being careful of how he moved now.

            “Mrs. Carter,” he spoke in a calm voice looking upstairs nervously, “what are you doing here? What’s going on? And what’s wrong with you? What are you?”

            Smirking dangerously at him, I titled my head to the side and glared at him. “I think you and I both know what I’m doing here, and what I am.” I said growling at him again.

            I heard as he released a deep breath. He slowly started to raise his hands, while looking me dead in the eyes. “Fine.” He breathe. “But can we talk about this some other time, right now isn’t a good time.” He said darting his eyes back towards the stairs.

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