Chapter 14

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Just a little warning, this chapter is kind of sad, so just be warned. Tissues are advised.

Chapter 14

Vivian’s Pov.

It was early in the morning, around four thirty, when Rowland and I were awoken out of our sleep. We had received a phone call from a neighboring pack letting us know that they had something important to tell us and that it couldn’t wait. After the phone call, both Rowland and I had gotten up and threw on some clothes, awaiting our arriving guest.

I had no idea what was so important that it couldn’t wait until the morning, but whatever it was, I knew that it was big.

Both Rowland and I had been in his office waiting my our guest to show, when I looked over at him, taking notice of the way he rubbed his hands through his blonde hair. He looked tired and I knew that he was wondering the same thing that I was.

As if he noticed me staring at him, he looked up and smiled at me. Smiling at him sweetly I walked around his desk and pulled his chair from out of it, turning it around so that the back of the chair was facing the desk, I slowly and gently slid my legs around his waist, sitting on his laps. I felt him pull me in closer to him, and watched as he laid his head back looking up at the ceiling.

“What do you think it is?” I asked running my hands along his shoulders.

I felt him relaxing a bit as my hand made contact with his body, soothing his anxious wolf. He inhale a deep breath slowly and released it. I suddenly felt him give in to a shrug. “I have no idea.” He said in a tiresome heavy voice. “As far as I knew everything was good on our front. But…” he said dropping his thought as he shook his head slowly.

I looked down at him with a puzzled look. “But what?” I asked softly.

With was a while before he finally answered again. But when he did answer I felt my blood start to run cold. “But according to Mason, there will be a war breaking out. And if my suspicions are correct, this little wake-up call has something to do with that.”

“Yes, but Mason’s visions are just that, Rowland. Their visions, they’re not always right.”

“And they’re not always wrong.” He snapped, closing his eyes.

I looked at him. “And what are you saying.”

He sighed heavily. “Nothing.” 

Narrowing my eyes at him, I focused on the way he sat. He wasn’t looking directly at me, because he still had his eyes closed, which lead me to believe that he was thinking about something and not saying anything because he didn’t want me to be upset with him. His posture was a little to relax, which was a warning sign that automatically let me know that I would most defiantly not like what he had to say.

I started to nod my head slowly, getting the feeling that things were about to get tense. “Okay Rowland, it’s obvious that you have something that you want to say. So whatever it is just spit it out all ready.” I said with my eyes still narrowed down at him.

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