Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Vivian's Pov.

            "Viv." I heard the sound of my name, causing me to stir. Opening my eyes, I found myself tired and very weak. "Vivian baby wake up. Viv wake up."

            Hearing the voice of the person calling my name, I could feel my wolf stir. She knew as well as I did, who that voice belonged to.

            "Come on baby wake up." He repeated.

            Lifting my head so that I could see him, I found it hard to do. I was so weak. My entire body ached, and I could feel skin burning. "Rowland."  I said feeling how dry my throat was.

            "That's my girl, wake up Viv."

            Finally opening my eyes, my eyes landed on him. What I saw had my heart broke. My wolf was outraged, and angry. Taking a good look at Rowland, I noticed that he was sitting in a chair in the middle of a dark room. He was chained to the chair, with silver chains all around him. They were around his neck, his legs, his wrist, and his torso. He covered in a pool of his own blood, and he looked beaten.

            Trying as best as I could, I did everything I could to get up from the spot that I was in. But the second I tried, I found that I to was in chains. Both my wrist were chain to the wall making it impossible for me to move.

            Scanning around the room, I tried my best to look for a way out, and to look for something that could help brake us free of the silver chains.

            "Rowland where are we?" I asked still struggling in the chains.

            "Don't waste your energy, it'll only weaken you." He said shifting in his chair. As he did I notice him wince.

            "Don't worry baby, I'm going to get us out." I said still struggling against the chain. "I just need to know where we are. Rowland," I said still looking around the dark room. "where are we?"

            "I don't know." He said. When he spoke I noticed something I had never noticed in his voice. It sounded so defeated and broken, my heart ached for him. "But if you're looking for a way out, stop."

            "What do you mean stop?" I asked looking at him, like he had lost his mind. The look on his face was enough to make me stop in my tracks. Something was wrong with him. Something terrible had happened or else he would've found a way out by now.

            "I mean stop it, Viv." He said. "It's hopeless. They won."

            "Rowland, what are you talking about. Who is they? Is it the hunters and the rouges?"I growled

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