Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Lyndon Pov.

            It was Melrose’s and mines first day of school, and I had the privilege of sitting in the car with her telling me how she looked ridiculous wearing a plaid uniform. I rolled my eyes and continued to drive to school. It was bad enough that mom had spent damn near two hours warning us of staying away from the alpha and luna’s kids and the rest of the pack, but now I had to spend the rest of my morning listening to my sister talking about how green and black uniform.

            ‘Please someone kill me now.’ I thought to myself.

            I turned my head to look at her and noticed that she was still talking aimlessly while she was playing with her fingers. That was something she did often. Since we moved a lot she always had this fear of being the new kids and worrying about getting caught.

            I reached over and placed my hand on hers and caught her attention.

            She looked up at me and smiled. “Everything is going to be okay, isn’t it?” she asked. I watched as her green eyes worriedly searched my brown ones.

            I placed a smile on my face and turned to pay attention to the rode, before I faced her again. “Everything is going to be just fine. We’ve done this before, and no wolves from any of the other packs noticed anything differently about us.” I said trying to reassure her. But the truth was, I didn’t really know what to expect from this pack. There was a reason that they were known for being the best and dangerous. Both Mel and I had heard plenty about the Luna’s ability, and now that she had children that made this pack very lethal. God only knew what would happen. All I knew was that whatever did happen I would be there for Melrose and my mother. We were all we had, and there was no way in hell that I would let a bunch of werewolves take them away from me.

            But there was one silver lining in this thing. There was Tristan Blake’s.

            Just thinking about her, made me smile, as I drove the rest of the way to the school.

            I knew that I shouldn’t have been thinking about her, but there was something about her that was already drawing me in, and for the life of me, I couldn’t stop the thoughts of her from entering my mind. Every since the other day when I met her, I couldn’t stop thinking of the way that she looked at me. She had hoped written all in her eyes.

            And that was another thing that drew me in. Those beautiful grey eyes of hers. It just seemed like lately, whenever I closed my eyes, there they were staring at me. Drawing my every attention.

            I sighed to myself. No matter what I did, I couldn’t shake the feeling of wanting her. It’s been four days, and I had tried everything in my power to not think about her. But it always seemed to fail.

            I guessed that the rumors were in fact true.

            When a werewolf met its mate, they were both screwed, because the only thing that they could think about were each other.

            Thinking about her, made me wonder if she was having a hard time thinking about me too. I had hoped that she was thinking about me as much as I was thinking about her. Then that made me wonder if she was even thinking about me at all. I mean after all, when we had met, I wasn’t exactly price charming to her. In fact I was an ass.

            But still, I wondered if she was thinking about me at this very moment.

            I pulled up to the schools’ parking lot and park my car. I set there for a minute trying to recollect myself. This was not like me at all. I didn’t spend my time thinking about if I was on a girls mind. I hardly thought about girls since most of my time was spent trying  to fight for mines and my family life.

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