Chapater 13: Truth or Dare Disaster

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A few days had already past and Nene grew a crush on Amane, when I mean a crush I mean like a huge crush!

If it wasn't for Nene's friends teasing her about Amane she wouldn't have any feelings like at all, but what can she do? She has now romantic feelings for him.


Athena looked up to find Nene's slightly embarrassed face.

"What's wrong Nene-chan?"

"Can I tell you something?"

"Sure thing, what I'd bit anyway?"

"Well uh, I have feelings for someone and..."

"Who is it then?" Athena's eyes beamed. Though her, Nene and Lyca talked about their crush often Athena was still excited who it was.

And no, Nene never mentioned Amane in those conversation, she was talking about 'Teru Minamoto'

"I-its..." Nene bent down and whispered to Athena's ears. "Its Lyca-san's cousin."


Athena looked she wasn't that surprised at all, like she already knew it from the start.

Nene begged Athena not yo tell Lyca cause she said:

"Please Athena-chan! Don't yell Lyca-san this alright? Cause if she ever knew I'll be embarrass for life!"

Athena agreed with out hesitation.

After some time, it was now to move on to their next class, which was from another building.

Athena, Lyca and Nene walked together their.

And out of nowhere Athena grabbed Lyca-san shoulder and said:

"Lyca-san, Nene-chan has a crush on Amane-kun." She whispered-yelled.


Nene panicked.

"Its Ok girl! Besides, I already knew that you have a crush on him, and another thing is he likes you back." Lyca said.

Nene's face turned red.

"H-he does? But, he mentioned that he liked this girl named Sakura Nanamine."

"Believe me he does like you, and I started to noticed that he wasn't mentioning her name anymore in our conversation. Which was kinda odd since he always bragged about her, and also if ever the tow of you become official, you to would look really cute not gonna lie."


Nene,  blushing mess of a creature.



Another day, another walk back home, and as usual Nene, Amane, Ayato and Dhraziella walked home together.

But this time, the four of them stopped by at a near park. They settled down under a not so tall and not so short tree, just perfect for climbing.

Nene awed at the tree as she recalled some memories if her past.

She always used to love climbing this tree, it was one of her biggest part of her childhood, she really loves the tree.

"Guys, wanna play truth or dare?" Dhraziella said.

All three of them said "me!"

Ayato found the perfect bottle to spin for the game and all of them formed a circle.

"Ok, so, I will spin the bottle first since I'm the one who found it and who ever it lands on I will be asking them to pick truth or dare, now let the games begin!"

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