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{AN: The early chapters quality is very bad but after 10 chapters or so then it will improve greatly}

-Unknown Cave-

............There's a boy on the floor of the cave, he wears a white t-shirt and a black pants although most of his shirt already a scrap, the boy looks skinny and with a brown hair that reach his neck, his body bloodied because he just took out 8 of his evil pieces from his body because the corruption they cause to his body and he supposed to die because there's never a history of a reincarnated devil stay alive after they lose their evil pieces from their body. The boy name is Issei Hyodou the current host of the Sekiryuutei or known as The red dragon emperor or called Y Ddraig Gooch and he's also known as chichiryuutei (oppai dragon) because of his love of boobs.
Issei is your average boy but a bit more perverted than most, his dream is to be a harem king typical from a boy around his age, but he's loyal and brave and will put his life on the line for his friends and loved ones... That's proven from what he did so far for his teammates, well... former teammates.

After the sealing of trihexa issei have been living a carefree life with his beloved but after they graduate to college thing changes... they started ignoring him or just give him uninterested look that says "sigh just a pervert like always" or "so different from him" but unknown to them although issei is a pervert he only be a pervert to those he have feelings for (1 of example when i said its gonna be OOC so be prepared for different personality), for example he used to peep with his duo friends Motohama and Matsuda but he only ever peep at Maruyama because he loved her ever since middle school he never even once look at other girls when he peep with his friends but no one knows that because that's 1 of his biggest secret even now, but because of that he branded the perverted trio along his 2 so called friends not that he care because he wont change who he is just to look better in the eyes of others, yes that's a rare trait from of all the man out there or even girls out there.(at least for me :p)

But issei never mind how they treated him (as in the ORC members) and he always hang out with kiba nowadays but gasper is with valerie in the hospital because he knows that kouhai of his loved her, and unknown to them issei has been working harder than them although he never told them that because he want to surprise them with his plan, he's working till late at night either by construction worker, a cashier at supermarket, or newspaper delivery man and many more at the cost he's doing less devil work than kiba and that makes the girls think he's a lazy pervert compared to their new BF(thats boyfriend if u dont know yet lol), and what his plan u might ask? he's saving money to buy a diamond, a big diamond because he needs it to make his beloved girls a ring, a ring for proposal and you might ask why? he's supposed to be rich from all the show he's done(u know the oppai dragon show lol and the 1 with serafall forgot what its called).

Now after a few months he finally did it, he made the ring he wished for to propose to his beloved girls,each rings have different colour like for Rias its red, for Akeno its raven , Ravel golden yellow, Asia whitish yellow etc, and he already started thinking how they might react to the surprise of his with giddy skip he's doing now.

His 1st destination is for his beloved master and queen Rias and Akeno so he went to their college and waited till they appear because he dont want to bother them during class, and after a while he saw them and he wanted to just went to them but then he saw them went to other building direction and soon he follows them... but that's when all hell broke lose...he saw them kissing another guy, and his heart broke to pieces and he clutched the ring case in his hand almost broke it only for Ddraig snap him out of it then he ran from there...The same thing happen to all of his supposed beloved... Irina, Xenovia, Asia, Ravel, Koneko (forgot to mention Rosseweisse is in Olympus? yeah lets call the gods place that lol and no rosseweisse isnt cheating on him she's just busy and they are still not a couple but rose have feelings for issei and planning to confess to him) he saw each of them acting intimate with some guy he never saw heck Ravel and Koneko clinging to some skinny pretty boy that almost look like gasper although not cute as gasper but still girlish and only a little bit taller than gasper. As for Kiba he's overworking himself for covering Issei part of the devil work, so he also don't know their little secrets .

So that's when his pawn pieces started corrupting him from inside out and he started to look like miasma generator with all the black aura he emit from his body, along with his broken heart that doesnt help at all when Ddraig snap at him and saying he need to remove the pieces[PARTNER, SNAP OUT OF IT!!! YOU NEED TO REMOVE THE DEVIL PIECES OR YOU'RE GONNA DIE!!!], but issei doesnt listen and asking "...what for... i don't have anything to live for anymore... just let it be over... it hurts so much ddraig... it hurts so much.... after all i did only to be stepped on by them like that... i sacrificed my left arm for Rias... just for her... and i put my life on the line for each 1 of them all the time... even when i know how rias let me die during raynare plans... even when i almost died i clung to the hope of going back to them... after all the sacrifices i made that's how they repay me... haha... im so pathetic thinking just to get their love all of it is worth it... no more... no... more...." he mumbled and the miasma started devouring him even faster.

[....Issei... i know it all hurts but that's the truth.... but you still have me as your partner.... and even if you think its not worth it try doing it for us... or just for yourself now... you still haven't lived long enough, you still haven't seen what the worlds has to offer, its time to break free from your current cage and find new things or even.... new loves, i know you're heart broken by now but not all woman are like that.... 1 of my past possessor knows that, he found true love.... now its time for you to find it... your true love or try to have a new dream... being a harem king is all good and all but there's bigger dream to achieve out there. so please.... try to find the will to are free now...] Ddraig consoled the broken boy... " yes.... i'm free now.... free from all the rope that binds me, the rope that named false love.... free from being a pawn of Rias Gremory.... free from the devil clutch.... FREE FROM ALL THAT WHORES!!!!"suddenly the boy screamed, screamed with vigor and new will to live for... and his partner happy to see him this way [YES!!! YOU ARE A FREE MAN!!! A FREE DRAGON!!! ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!] Ddraig roared for his partner new found will to live! happy for the new him! happy for what his partner will bring to the world!

[HAHAHA!!! Indeed! We dragons will never bow to no one even lady death herself! now go to somewhere secluded partner because the process will be long] And then he went to the forest outside kuoh town and found a cave. "Let's do this Ddraig!". [Fumu! let's do this partner!], then began the process so painful that issei cant even scream but inside his mind his whole life flashes before him and how stupid he was for believing them... for believing their so called love.... how they toss them aside after they have no more use of him... to trade him for some unknown guy they barely know! (its only been like 3 months give or take for the setting after the sealing of trihexa meh thats what the author said so i just use that time, as for the boys name lets just name them Ichiji (rias & akeno new BF), Niji (Irina), Sanji(Ravel & Koneko) , Yonji (Xenovia) , Goji (Asia)? yeah thats good enough for some cannon fodder no need last name its a bother remembering some scrub names).

-After 24 hours-

(Back to the start)

[Are you awake partner?] Ddraig asked.

"Yeah.... is it a success?" issei asked

[Of course its a success, if not you're already dead by now].

"Heh, you're right... so what's change? i feel a lot stronger and all of my senses are enhanced and boy do i need a shower... ugh... well i can say goodbye to my clothes... damn, thankfully there's a lake nearby" he grumbled.[Of course you're a full blown Dragon now even though not pure dragon since you're a transformed one but meh good enough for me because only the people know the old you can tell you're not a dragon from the start, and you just awaken your "Aura" congratz partner!! And before you ask "Aura" are unique because only dragons can awaken them and its very rare, if you ask me how rare it is well you can see from the millions of dragon from the past only 6 have awaken them and they are The great red, Ophis, Me, Albion, Tiamat and Tannin even then its different from each dragon, Great red for having the strongest "Aura" and Tannin being the weakest now you are the 7th... And the devil dragon "Aura" doesn't count because to awaken "Aura" the dragon must awaken them naturally or by experiencing an extreme emotion and every "Aura" bearer they have trait and your trait are Dominance, and whats the effect you need to find out on your own for that, as for your other change you can see for yourself later on... but now... i need to rest since i used most of my power to transform you....see you later partner...] Ddraig explained after that he went silent most likely asleep.

"Yeah... thank you Ddraig and good night..." Issei said after that he got up and feel like he have grown taller, then he walked to the nearby lake to wash himself.

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