Chapter 99

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Xia Qingyue who saw Issei's face for the first time went into daze...

"See, Master wasn't lying when I told you about his otherworldly appearance, wasn't I?" Chu Yueli smiled proudly at the dumbfounded Xia Qingyue.

Chu Yueli brought her to see Issei's face and her reaction is just like Chu Yueli expected. 'No woman should be able to resist his charm' she thought to herself 'With this, her heart should waver a bit and the chance of her to develop feelings for him should increase as well...' She added.

She really wanted the best for Xia Qingyue... Even though she admitted that she also has developed some feelings for him but that's not the issue at the moment.

She's pretty sure a man of his caliber won't be content or should she say, won't be allowed to only have one wife... You could say it's her intuition as a woman but she gets a feeling that is the case.

Indeed, Chu Yueli's so-called intuition hit a home run since he has multiple wives already but even she won't expect the number of his wives are surpassing 4 digits... Who can expect that?

And if he indeed only have 1 wife then it won't be long for that said wife looking for backup since she won't be able to handle him on her own... Not like it would change anything even if there are 1000 women challenging him at the same time but at least it would satisfy him to a certain extent.

But that's only a false assumption since even though Issei could last for an unknown amount of time on the bed. He can control his libido if he wanted to so if his wife reached her limit then he would switch off his libido as well.

He only wanted to satisfy them so he is more than willing to accompany them no matter how long they wanted it...

"Now Qingyue... Even though Master wishes that she could make you stronger on her own... But Master knows that our sect Elder is more capable than Master" Chu Yueli smiled apologetically towards Xia Qingyue.

Xia Qingyue was about to say something but Chu Yueli stopped her with a gesture of her hand.

"It's fine, I'm not feeling depressed or anything knowing that our sect Elder is more capable than Master... The reason why I'm telling you this is because Master wanted the best for you. So if you are taught by him directly then Master is certain that you will be able to achieve greater heights and even make your dream come true even faster." She smiled fondly at Xia Qingyue.

Xia Qingyue's eyes glimmered brightly after hearing Chu Yueli words.

"It is Qingyue blessing being able to become Master disciple... Know that Qingyue won't accept another Master in this life and only have Master as Qingyue's Master. Even if Qingyue were to learn from others such as our sect Elder, Qingyue will never forget Master benevolence for Qingyue" She bowed respectfully towards Chu Yueli.

"Aiii... Silly child... You don't have to do this..." Chu Yueli felt warm after hearing Xia Qingyue's words.

Issei who's in the distance could hear their conversation and he smiled thinly at their interaction.

Sadly, there's no one saw his smile just now or they would've become lovestruck because of how enchanting that smile of his was...

Chu Yueli then urged Xia Qingyue to interact with Issei... 'With this, they should become closer... Just as planned' Chu Yueli smiled slyly watching Xia Qingyue who timidly walking towards Issei direction.

She then left the area to let them be... On her way back, she came across a group of female disciples... She assumes that they are heading towards Issei location as well to "Learn" from him seeing how they fidgetting around and the slight blush on their cheeks...

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