Chapter 89

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Bikou's party - Vali?!/Vali-san?!

Kuroka only sighed tiredly to herself because she knows that Vali would do this.

Everyone else in the spectator seat is also taken by surprise but before long they are starting to anticipate the match between them. The strongest White Dragon Emperor in the history versus the mystical Queen of Dragons.

Irene doesn't have any big reaction because she already expected this. The same goes for Albion...

Irene - Oh? And do tell me the reason why you decided to challenge me?

Irene smirked at Vali knowing fully well just what will his answer be.

Vali - Because I want to see just how far our strength differences are and also to test my limit... Now don't think that I see your other team members are weak but why settle for second when you have the best right in front of you? No offense intended but you are the strongest of them all right?

Vali smirked back at Irene.

Irene - Heheheh... Interesting answer but... I have to correct you on some part. I am not the strongest, our husband is.

Irene who heard his answer laughed slightly before she corrected Vali thinking that she's the strongest.

Ramius and the other girls also nodded to her statement because it's a fact after all.

Vali - That may be so, but... He's not here right now, is he?

Vali answered back once again.

Irene - Hmm, Indeed... Very well, I accept your challenge.

Irene chuckled lightly before accepting Vali challenge.

Vali - Thanks.

Both team members then spread out to give both Vali and Irene some room for their fight.


Bikou - Man, I knew Vali would do this...

Bikou muttered wryly but his face still looks carefree.

Arthur - Um... But that's what makes him the that Vali we know.

Arthur calmly answered Bikou mutters with a respectful voice. Vali never backs down against anyone after all. Kind of similar to Issei himself.

Le Fay - But... I wonder if Vali-san has a chance?

Le fay said worriedly.

Kuroka - Nope.

Kuroka said almost immediately.

Bikou and the others gazed at her suspiciously yet again because of how sure she is.

Kuroka - Like Albion said before. Even if Vali were to uses his strongest technique he won't be able to win against her.

Kuroka continued her words regardless of their suspicious gaze on her.

Bikou - Seriously... Do you know them, Kuroka? You seem so sure about it...

Bikou narrowed his eyes at Kuroka because this is the second time she sounded so sure like she knows Irene quite well.

Kuroka only grinned playfully at them before she set her gaze towards Vali and Irene once again much to their exasperation.


Albion - [Are you sure about this, Vali?]

Albion asked Vali inside his mind.

Vali - [Ah.]

Albion - [...Do as you like then... But don't say I didn't warn you]

Athough Albion said that, he's feeling proud at Vali for not backing down in front of an overwhelmingly strong opponent.

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