Chapter 19

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Then while Issei still thinking about this post, he heard a rowdy voice of a man and woman.

And since the guild is mostly empty at the moment that voice clearly stands out.

At a wooden table located at the corner of the guild hall, there's a man and woman sitting together.

The man is about 16-17 years old average looking youth. He has short and slightly spiky chestnut-brown hair and green eyes he wears a one set of sportswear unexpectedly because Issei knows that in this world there's no sportswear like that man wearing now.

If in Issei original world that's a common outfit, but in this world he never saw one.

While the young girl is quite beautiful. She has a slim figure with ample breasts, long legs, blue waist-long hair that is partially tied into a loop with a water-molecule shaped clip. Her clothes carry a blue color scheme, with her ordinary attire consisting of a vest, detached sleeves, thigh-high boots, an extremely short miniskirt and a transparent underskirt.

The man is talking to the girl at the moment:

Man - You unexpectedly really post that kind of request on the bulletin board?

While having an incredulous looks on his face while looking at the girl.

Girl - What's wrong? Admires my outstanding style very much? If envies want me to teach you? So long as Kazuma kneels here while loudly shout "Please teach me Aqua-sama" I will teach you!

Even though the girl is quite a beauty but its ruined by her rampant domineering expression she has right now.

But the respond of that Kazuma guy to the girl is a slap in her head with a loud *PAK*! sound.

Girl - It hurts! What are you doing!?

Kazuma - Ha!? Still asking what am I doing? Naturally to try and fix that head of yours, who knows maybe after got hit your head might be fixed! Admires? Admires your head! What envies? Envies that you said "The team consist of a super beautiful and outstanding Arch Priest and impolite weakest class hikiNEET"? Such words want me to admire and envy? You useless Goddess!

Girl - I'm not a useless Goddess! But is a super beautiful and outstanding Goddess of Water! You impolite and weakest class hikiNEET! Who died because of shock caused by a slow moving tractor!

Kazuma - ....Very good, it seems like it should be time to discard you this useless Goddess, I will change the request content into "Arch-Priest for sell, does not need to provide any food, only needs to sprinkle a water for her, regards as raising a grass then its alright" you just wait here for me.

Girl - Aaaaahhhh!! Was I makes a mistake! Was I makes a mistake! Kazuma-sama! Kazuma-sama! Please forgive me!

While saying that, the super beautiful and outstanding Arch Priest such lay in on the ground, cried, while holding onto the legs of the youth, and got dragged along with the youth who want to head towards the bulletin board.

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