Chapter 152: Side 9

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"Fufu, looks like the experiment here is quite successful..." Semiramis mused to herself while holding a soul in her hand. The soul in her hand is a specially created soul using her dearest husband's part.

It's mostly a combination of his spirit and also a bit of his strength.

You could say it's an artificial soul or a clone of his true self.

Of course, the soul in her hand is not even 1% of his true strength. If she were to go as high as 1% of his true strength then the experiment will be for naught since Issei himself would've taken notice if somebody tries to steal his power even if it's a measly 1%.

It's about 0.5% of his full power. They wanted to go lower but it's not possible... Even then, 0.5% is already pushing it to the limit. Any lower than that then it will be a capoot.

"Looks like we don't have to worry about dearest power being taken advantage of." She bemused happily to herself.

There are many cases where other Gods tried to replicate another God's strength in the past. To avoid the scenario where they're taken by surprise by an unknown clone or power imitation of their husband, they decided to see just how far the clone could go compared to the original.

And so far, it has been a success. The clone itself is quite powerful by the normal standard but that's about it... Perhaps it could reach <Tier 4> and even <Tier 5> if it's lucky enough but there's no chance for it to reach <Tier 6> and above.

The soul in her hand has almost reached its full potential so there's no need to wait any further. Even if other Gods were to use their divine blessing on him, it would only increase a tiny margin of his power. It won't be able to increase his full potential.

After all, the soul itself is based on a True God.

"Who are you!? Let go of him!"

"Hm?" Only now Semiramis took notice of the group of people gathered before her.

"G-Give him back... Give him back to us!" One girl cried profusely while scowling at her.

"..." Semiramis narrowed her eyes at the crying group of girls.

She has to say that there's quite a variety of races gathered here... There is a couple of ghosts, Youkais, humans... oh, and even a God blade race? Albeit it's only a lower-tier God.

Semiramis unintentionally remembered about Hong'er and Bai'er since they're practically of similar race.

Right below her feet, there's a piece of uniform scattered on the ground. The owner of that said uniform is the very same soul in Semiramis's hand.

She appeared right before the soul owner's physical body and took his soul out directly. The person himself didn't even react when she appeared before him and calmly let her took his soul.

It's like the deepest part of the soul's consciousness knows that the person before him is not a threat to which he fully trusts without a single doubt.

She took the body and soul together as one. Semiramis doesn't want a physical clone of her husband no matter how weak it is left alone after all... Even if it's only the physical body left with no soul inside it, she still didn't want to leave it be just like that.

"All of you stay back." One of the ghost women with unkempt black long hair, green eyes, and wearing a military uniform said solemnly.

"B-But! Sh-She took-" One of the girls said sobbingly.

"I know your feelings but fighting her is plain suicide! I'm feeling just as worried and angry just like the rest of you but I can tell if we were to go against this woman then... the only outcome is our demise." She said in a cold sweat: "She's anything but normal... From what I can tell... She's a God. A genuine Goddess in the flesh!"

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