Eighteen🩷food with his friend🩵

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Jadon PoV

A few days later

I'm now chilling at home after training and I'm just making myself a little breakfast
Till I was interrupted by a knock at the door
"Yo" i say to the boys at the door
They all walked in a so did Reiss

I followed them into the kitchen and they all sat down at the kitchen island and I started buttering my bagels
"Jadon bro" Reiss says

"You here to control my life?" I asked him

"No bro, I'm here to apologise I should of never of said the things I said to you about nyla or Tate I was completely in the wrong and there's no denying it
I can see how much they mean to you" Reiss says

"We are meant to be best friends Reiss
I would never disrespect you like that especially someone you love" I say to him

"I know bro and I apologise" Reiss says

I put my hand out so we could do our handshake then we had a little hug
"Love you bro" i say to him

"Love you too bro" Reiss says

I then started eating my bagels as we all started speaking
"Yo Jadon, you and nyla busy tonight?" Reiss asked

"I'm free not sure about nyla she will be looking after Tate" i say to him

"Alright,well I was wondering if we could all go and eat. Get to know nyla a little better she can bring Tate along" Reiss says.

"I will give her a message" i say
I pulled my phone out


Hey baby

Hey babe

How are you and Tate this

We are good
We miss our Jadon 🥲
How are you?

I miss you both too
I'm good
I wanted to ask you a question

Go ahead

My best friend Reiss asked will
You and Tate come out and eat
With me and a couple of my friends
Tonight, they want to get to know you

Umm I don't know

If you don't want to that's okay
But I will be with you
Right next to you

Okay fine

Alright I will come pick you up
I love you 🫶🏽

I love you too🫶🏽


"She said she will come" i say to them

"Good" chibz says

"Alright bro I will send you the address to the restaurant we are going to" Reiss says
Then they all left


Nyla PoV

I just placed Tate on the couch and covering him with a blanket as he fell asleep for his morning nap I went back into the kitchen and i finished making my coffee

Jadon messaged me as I was putting Tate to sleep asking me if me and Tate wanted to go to a restaurant with him and his friends which I have agreed too

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now