Thirty-one🩷make up🩵

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Nyla PoV

After sitting down next to my siblings it wasn't long till Jadon came over with a very happy Tate in his hands.
"Did you wanna talk?" He asked me

"Not right now maybe tomorrow" i say to him

"Alright, can i have him for the night?"
Jadon asked me

"Are you staying in this hotel?" I asked him

"Yeah" he said

"Yeah sure, let me go get him some clothes" I say

"I will come with you" Jadon replied

"Okay, I'm gonna stay upstairs so I will see you later" I say to my brother and sisters

I walked pushing Tate stroller as Jadon walked by the side of me holding Tate
We got in the elevator taking us to the floor I was staying in, then we went into my room where I got tates pyjamas and down clothes for the following morning

"Are you okay?" I asked Jadon

"Yeah, you?" He asked

"Yeah" I say
"Jadon I do wanna talk to you but I feel like I need to gather my words together, you have shocked me by being here"
I explain to him

"I totally understand and you have shocked me by being here" Jadon says
"Are you okay about me having him for the night?" He asked

"Yeah" I say nodding my head

"Alright well say night night mommy" Jadons says to Tate and he smiled and rested his head on Jadon shoulder

"Night baby" I say to Tate

Jadon then left and I went into my bathroom and started getting ready for bed
As much as I wanted to talk things out with Jadon it's genuinely shocked me about him being here to the point where I'm sort of lost for words

——the next morning

This morning I woke up and I started getting ready to go down to the pool, I could hear my siblings already awake and getting ready. Once we was done we made our way to the pool and we found some run beds

My brother and sisters then went for some breakfast but I wasn't too hungry yet so I stayed laying in the sun. I was still completely shocked that Jadon is here
I came away to get away from him and he is here

My siblings are now back and are in the pool then I noticed Jadon walked towards me pushing Tate in his stroller
"Morning baby" I say and he smiled

"Morning" Jadon says to me

"Morning" i replied

"You wanna come and get some breakfast?" He asked me

"Yeah sure" i say to him

Me,Jadon and Tate are now sitting in the hotel restaurant and we have just ordered some breakfast and Tate was in a high chair playing with his toys

"Jadon I want to firstly apologise
I'm so sorry for talking to you the way I did
I'm sorry for not checking up on you after the miscarriage
I'm just so sorry for everything I did and said" I say to him

"I appreciate it, and it only right I do the same.
Nyla im so sorry too, I'm sorry if I said anything to hurt you or offended you and I'm sorry for the way i acted" he says

"And i accept and appreciate your apology" I say to him

"I feel like anything I say I constantly repeating myself. The miscarriage shocked me bad, the way I felt and the pain I was in. But the way you was treating me Jadon
For some reason I need to get out of the headspace that I can do everything on my own and I don't need anyone's help.
I looked after Tate for him being a newborn to 4 months the hardest time of them being baby so I just think if I managed that I can manage anything on my own" I explained to him

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now