ten🩷family meeting🩵

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Later on that day

Nyla PoV

Since Jadon family has arrived we all have been talking and getting to know each other it have been really nice.
And I really like Jadon family they are all really nice and sweet people

They was all trying to interact with Tate but he was having non of it
I think because he is not used to being around different people

Then there was a ring at my door
"I will get it" Jadon says standing up

He walked out of the living room
Then soon he walked back in with my family and tates uncles walking in behind
"You never said you was coming" i say

"Well we are here" my mom says

I gave my mom, dad my two sister and my brother a hug
"Mom dad this is Jadon family" i say to them and they all started introducing themselves

"Jadon come here" I say
Jadon came and stood right next to me

"Jadon these a jakes brother James, Jordan and Jude" i say to them

"Nice to meet you bro" James says shaking Jadons hand

Jordan and Jude also introduced themselves to Jadon then they introduced themselves to Jadon family then we all sat on my couch
"Can I speak to the three of you?" I asked meaning James,Jordan and Jude

I passed Tate to James as we was walking into the kitchen
"I wanted to tell your properly about me seeing Jadon instead of you all coming here and finding out" i say to them

"Sis don't worry" Jordan says

I then covered my face with my hands
"The last couple of days hanging around with Jadon feels so perfect but also feel so wrong, like I am meant to be with him but I am mean to be with Jake
But I need to realise that Jake is never coming back" i say crying

Jordan came over to me and gave me a hug
"Sis it's okay you remember what Jake said to you right" Jordan says

I just nodded my head
"He said he wants you to move on and he wants that person to become a father to him" Jude repeated

"You need to stop being so hard on yourself
Jake is not here in presence but he is looking down at the both of you smiling
Because of his son
But how proud he is of you" Jordan says

"I know my brothers more than anyone in the world and I know for a fact that Jake is happy for you to be moving on
But also jealous cause he wanted you" James says laughing

Then we all started laughing
Jadon then walked into the kitchen
"Sorry can I just get some water for my mom please?" Jadon asked

"Yeah of course in the fridge right there"
I say to him

"Okay thank you , Are you okay though?" He asked me

I wiped my tears
"Yeah I am okay" I say smiling

Jadon came over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder
"You both are cute" Jude says

"Thanks" I say

"You are Jadon Sancho right?" James asked

"Yeah" Jadon says laughing

"Bro I don't know it jake actually would except you he was a Chelsea fan" Jordan says laughing

"He knew nothing about Chelsea he just used to wear the jersey" i say laughing

"Fair enough" Jude says

"We are going back in living room now" the boys says

"Okay we will be in there in a minute" i say to them

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now