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Nyla PoV

Last night we arrived in Maldives and me and Jadon went straight to bed as we was tired, this morning I woke up to Jadon laying his head on my chest
And I started massaging his head
He then looked up at me
"Good morning" he say to me

"Morning" i replied

"Sleep well?" He asked me

"Always when your next to me" i say and he smiled, my phone was then ringing so I took it off the bed side table and I answered the facetime call
"Hi my handsome baby" i say to rate and he had the biggest smile appear on his face

We spoke to my mom for a little while before me and Jadon both got out of bed
We made the sheets then i got changed into my bikini and Jadon got changed into his swimming shorts

Jadon opened the glass doors and we had a swimming pool right outside
Jadon got in the water and in got in too
Jadon held me I had my legs around him and my arms around his neck
"I feel good about talking about everything" I say to Jadon

"Same, you told me most things before but I think I wanted to hear them again" he says

I smiled and i kissed his lips
"I love you" i say to him

"I love you too" he says
"Birthday tomorrow" he says with a smile

I rolled my eyes
"Ugh" i groaned and he laughed

After spending a while in the pool me and Jadon got out and we both went and had a shower then we got changed and we had dinner outside
"You want more kids?" He asked

"Maybe" I say

"How many?" He asked

"Younger me would of said 2 but maybe four" i say
"You?" I asked him

"15 but we can meet a 4" he says making me burst out laughing

"Jadon please" i say not being able to control my laugh

After a while me and Jadon went inside and we chilled on the bed watching a movie on the iPad.

—— the next morning

This morning and it was my birthday
I opened my eyes to see our room filled with pink and white balloons all hanging from the ceiling with a few balloons scattered over the bed and floor
The corner of the bed had a couple of gifts and 2 big bunch of flowers
Red rose petals all over the floor and bed too

Jadon was sitting on the edge of the bed by my feet
"Morning birthday my girl" he says

And I smiled
"Morning" i replied

"Happy birthday princess" he says

"Thank you so much" I say
Jadon came and hovered over me and I hugged him I then kissed him
"Wanna open your gifts?" He asked

"You didn't have too" i say as he pulled away and sat back down on the edge of the bed

"Here open this first" he says passing me a small box
I unwrapped the pink wrapping paper
And i opened the box to see a beautiful silver necklace with its personalised with
'Tate' in diamonds

"Oh my gosh" I say covering my mouth
I then looked up at Jadon
"It's beautiful, thank you" I say to him

"Your welcome mama" he says

Jadon also brought me some jewellery, a bag, some trainers and heels
"Thank you so much" I say

"Oh these are for you too" he says passing me a red bunch of rose
'My birthday girl'

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now