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Nyla PoV

I did not sleep once last, I have been uo all night feeling so I'll i must of caught the virus Tate had or something.
This morning around 5am I looked at the side of me to see Tate awake
"Why are you awake handsome?" I asked him and all he did was smile

I picked him up and placed him in between me and Jadon and I put on the tv as i literally have no energy to even entertain him. I put on his favourite blues clues and i sat there and watched it too and i eventually fell asleep

Later on I woke up and saw Jadon was awake and Tate. Tate was sitting on Jadon chest as they played together
I took the covers off me as I was sweating
"You okay?" Jadon asked me

"No I feel so bad" i say to him
Jadon placed his hand on my forehead

"Shit you are so hot" he says to me
"Go have a nice shower mama,I will do the bed and watch Tate" Jadon says to me
I nodded my head

I went into the bathroom and I started running myself a cool shower
Once the shower was done I went in and I started washing my hair. Then I got out and stood by the sinking doing my skincare and brushing my teeth

Then I walked out of the bedroom too see Tate laying on my bed with Jadon ticking him making him laugh
"What are you doing to him?" I asked whilst laughing a little as it was cute

"Making him laugh" Jadon says

"Where the fuck in my covers?" I asked him

"Downstairs" he says
"Oh here some of my clothes you can change into" he says

"Thank you" I say getting changed into a pair of his boxers and a hoodie as I'm now shivering cold
I brushed my hair then we all went downstairs into the living room

Jadon laid my bed covers on the couch making it look cosy
"Thank you" I say to him

"You welcome now go rest" he say to me

"Okay" I went and sat down
"Babe I was meant to take tate to my moms" i say to him

"I know ma I actually need to go to London I was gonna meet some of the boys I was wondering if I could take tate then take him to your moms" he asked

"Of course" I say to him

"Will you be okay on your own?" He asked

"Of course babe if anything I can call nova" i say to him

"Alright just going upstairs to get us both ready" he says

Jadon then went upstairs with Tate and I chilled on the couch on my phone then eventually they came downstairs
"Look at my boys" i say

Jadon passed me tate and I gave him loads of kisses then I started feeding him so he could have his morning nap
In the meantime Jadon was packing i few things for my mom and the changing bag for him for today

"Yo babe does he have to sit in the backseat?" Jadon asked me

"No you can put his car chair in the passenger seat but make sure it's in the seat properly" i say to him

"Alright bae let me just out the car chair in my car and the stroller" he says

I have now finished feeding tate I'm just winding him then I laid him on me and I patted his back to sleep
I gave him loads of hugs ans kisses as I won't be seeing him for a week

Then Jadon came over and I kissed him
"I love you" I say to him

"I love you too mama" he says
We shared some more kisses then he pulled away and took Tate
"I will be back later" he says

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now