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Nyla PoV

"What's wrong?" I say walking into the living room and seeing Jadon looking confused

"I messaged all the boys asking did they wanna do something for my birthday this week and they are all saying no and acting weird" he says

"Oh maybe they are busy" I say

"Maybe" he says putting his phone down

"At least you got me" I say walking over and sitting on his lap
He smiled and kissed my lips

"Sounds better then being with them" he smiled

Mhm I mumbled kissing him

"Anyways what are we doing for my birthday?" He asked

"We are going to London. I booked a hotel for us then we are going to have dinner just the two of us" I say

"Sounds exciting" he says with a smile
"What about Tate?" He then asked

"Erm that's getting sorted, maybe my brother" I say

"But nova?" He says

"I will tell him I don't want her near him" I say
"Anyways don't worry about it I will deal with it" I say

"Alright, so when we going London?" He asked

"Well we need to pack our stuff and we are going tonight" I say

"But you haven't got anyone looking after Tate" he says

"Yes Kai I will juts threaten the boy I'm sure he will do it" I say making jadon laugh

After messaging my brother he happily agreed on looking after Tate.
Me and Jadon went upstairs and we started packing all the things needed for our night in London
"Is the restaurant fancy?" He asked

"Yeah very" I say

Me and Jadon have now finished packing our bags and we are downstairs and I have started making Tate some dinner. While I was feeding him Kai arrived
"Kai I swear to you if I hear nova has been here or anywhere around my son I will dig a whole and bury you alive" I say

"It's not happening I swear she won't come here and I won't let him go anywhere near her" he says

"Good" I say

After finishing giving Tate his dinner Jadon bathed him as Tate loves Jadon bathing him
Cause they play with all the bath toys he received at Christmas and he just has so much fun. Once he was out of the bath and Jadon put his pyjamas on I gave him a feed of milk

After Tate fell asleep and I placed him into his crib me and Jadon left the house and got into his car and he started driving to London. On the way to London we stopped off at wing stop and we got some food on the way there.

"I'm really excited for some reason" he says

"Your excited cause we will have the best time" I say and he smiled at me

After 4 and a half hours we finally arrived in London and at the hotel we are staying at. Jadon held all the bags and we walked in to the hotel and I got the key from the reception. And we made our way to our room.

"Look at the view" I say looking out the window

"That's insane" Jadon says standing behind me and looking at the view too

I then turned around and kissed his lips
"I love you" I say

"I love you more" he says winking at me making my stomach fill with butterflies

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now