Fifty-one🩷birthday celebrations🩵

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Nyla PoV

This morning the three of us were already awake and out of bed. Jadon went to training and came back home, while Jadon was at training and even when he came back I was cleaning the whole house as I sort of neglected it a little.

Jadon and Tate was playing in Tates room while I went into the room next to tates room and I started cleaning it as I'm soon to be decorating it and as it's baby boy nursery

"What are you doing?" I asked Jadon as I went into Tate room

"Nothing" Jadon says even though I literally saw him packing some clothes into Tate little suitcase

I brushed it away and didn't think much of it.
"You need to chill now babe you do a lot" Jadon says standing out and giving me a hug

"Mhm" I mumbled placing my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes

"When you doing the nursery?" Jadon asked me

"In a minute once i finished resting my eyes" I say and Jadon laughed


it been a few hours and i have been working hard in the nursery decorating and putting all baby boys washed clothes into his closet

it been a few hours and i have been working hard in the nursery decorating and putting all baby boys washed clothes into his closet

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(Baby boys room)

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(Baby boys room)

"Babe what the fuck" Jadon says walking in and I smiled
"You have done amazing" he says

I stood up and walked over to him and hugged him.
"I was coming to say dinner is nearly ready" he says

"Okay, can I have a bath first?" I asked

"Of course babe come downstairs when your done" he says

I went into my bathroom and I had a bath

I went into my bathroom and I had a bath

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His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now