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Nyla PoV

The siblings🙎‍♀️🙎‍♂️🙎‍♀️🙎‍♀️

Wondering if any of yous
Wanted to go away with me?

Kia:Sure where too?

Dubia maybe

Nelly: I'm there

Neve:can I come?

Yeah of course

Kia: I will be there


I planned a vacation for me, my siblings and Tate, I need to get away.
This morning I packed all my clothes and I packed Tate too and I waited for my siblings to arrive in Manchester, in the meantime I went and got my nails done and going to the mail picking up some last few things

I then came back home and my brother messaged me telling me that they are 15 minutes away. I went around my house checking the last couple of things
Then I picked up Tate as he wanted holding

"Mama" he says

"Hey baby" I say kissing his cheek
"Are we going on holiday?" I asked him and he smiled

Me, my brother, 2 sisters and Tate has just arrived at Manchester Airport and we have already been through the business security and passport control and we already went and got some food to eat

Me and Tate are chilling while my siblings went shopping
I felt kinda nervous flying, the first time taking Tate away I was with Jadon which made things feel a lot better but what was even more better was we was flying private
But this time I'm flying business

So I'm trying my hardest to keep Tate awake so hopefully he can sleep on the plane I even kept him awake from his morning nap, when my siblings came back i decided to go and have a look around the shops

I carried Tate and I walked around picking up some snacks and I also found some baby snacks for Tate.

— an hour or so later

Our gate number has been called and we are all now on the plane
While in line waiting to get on the plane tate was struggling to keep his eyes open as he was so tired. I felt so bad keeping him awake but I just didn't want any fuss on the plane

When we got on the plane I was still trying too keep him awake. When the seatbelt signal came on I put my seatbelt on and I laid Tate in my arms covering him with his blanket and I started feeding him and he fell asleep

Tate was a dream he slept most of the flight and even when he was awake he was happy like always, I gave him some snacks and we played with some of his toys

—- couple of hours later

We have now finally arrived in Dubia once we got all our luggage we decided to hire a car which I was driving. I drove to the hotel we was staying at, it was late at night so i put Tate straight to sleep then I went right to sleep after

——- the next day

This morning I woke up early I turned over and saw the sun rising from my balcony in my bedroom. I got out of bed as I can no longer sleep anymore and I started unpacking my suitcase

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now