six🩷telling the truth🩵

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Nyla PoV

It is now Saturday, every day this week since mine and Jadon date we both have been hanging around everyday

Jadon would pick me up of a morning and we would sit in his car and eat some breakfast or if Jadon had training early in the morning he would pick me up for lunch and we would eat lunch in his car and we would talk

But something has still been playing on my mind

And that is I still have not told Jadon out my son Tate or the slight trauma I have from Jake

So I have decided that I need to tell Jadon before our feelings for each other get out of hand


Hey Jadon
If you are free later tonight
Could you come to mine please x

Hey nyla
I have a game tonight but
I can maybe come after x

Yeah sure
What time will that be?

Around 8:30pm x

Okay well I going to order a
Chinese takeaway would you like

Oooo yes please can I have

Of course see you later


Time has now skipped and it is now 8:20pm I order both me and Jadon a Chinese takeaway and it has already arrived

I set up the kitchen island setting two plates out of the both of us with a knife and fork at the side and a glass of iced cold water for the both of us

I laid the food in the middle of the island and I sat down and patiently waited for Jadon to arrive.
Exactly 5 minutes later there was a knock on my door
I got off the couched and open it
"Heyy" i say to him

"Hey how are you?" He asked

"Yeah I am okay" I say to him

We both walked through to my kitchen
It was kinda dark to be honest
I had one spot light on in the kitchen and the tv that shone some light
"You can take you take off your jacket just put it on the couch" i say to him

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Yeah" i say to him

"Yeah" i say to him

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(Jadon outfit)

Jadon removed his jacket and placed it on the couch he also left his Louis Vuitton bag on top of his jacked
He also removed him shoes and walked over and sat opposite me at the kitchen island
"How was you game?" I asked him

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now