Nineteen🩷sick baby🩵

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Nyla PoV

This morning I woke up at my normal time
I woke up in Jadon arms as always, I carefully pulled away from his hold and I placed a kiss on his cheek before getting out of bed to see to tate

He was still fast asleep which was unusual he's normally up at the same time every morning, I stroked his for head and just by the contact with Tate skin I could feel he was hot

I placed my hand back on his forehead and the heat on my hand was crazy
I picked tate up and laid him on my bed and I took his sleep suit off leaving him in just his diaper
Tate started waking up and the first thing he did was cry

Which was unusual,Tate never cried even when he was a newborn, so when he does cry I know something is wrong.
I was trying to calm him down but he ended up waking Jadon up
"I'm so sorry" I say to Jadon

"It's fine don't worry, is he okay?" Jadon asked

" I don't know he is so hot" i say to Jadon

"Pass him" Jadon says getting out of bed
I passed tate to Jadon and he started rocking him which calmed him down
"He is really hot" Jadon says

"I don't know what to do" i say to him

"Shshsh it's okay baby, we will figure out together yeah" Jadon says making me smile
"Why don't we put him in a cool bath to cool him down then he can have some medicine incase he's in pain wirh anything then you can feed him and he can have another nap and if he is still like this later
We will go to the hospital" Jadon says

"Yeah" I say
I went into the bathroom and started running a little bath for Tate not too warm
With a lot of cold water if anything
Jadon placed tate on his bath chair
Jadon say down on the floor and played with him

"Babe would it be okay if I have a shower quickly" I asked him

"Of course mama" Jadon replied

I quickly had a shower and changing into some comfortable clothes then I started tidying my bedroom
I was now watching gate in the bath whilst Jadon had a shower

I then took Tate out of the bath wrapping him in a towel then moisturising his body before putting his diaper on him, I just left him in his diaper as he was still hot

We made our way downstairs and I got the medicine out of the cupboard and gave it to Tate, he took it very well no crying or anything even though he did spit a bit of it out but I immediately put my boob in his mouth to feed him so the taste can go away
"You want breakfast?" I asked Jadon
Who was smiling at me

"No I'm good" he says still smiling

"What?" I asked him laughing

"Nothing" he says

"Boy you are laughing about something so tell me" i say to him

"Nothing you just fucking amazing, super women for real for real" he says making me smile I looked down on the floor to hide my smile and my red cheeks

"Go sit down mama" Jadon says to me

"Can I kiss make my iced coffee first?" I asked him

"Let me do that" he says

"You don't even know how to do it" i say to him

"I have many tricks up my sleeve, and iced coffee might be one of them" he says and i just laughed and I went and sat on the couch and carried on feeding Tate

Jadon then came over and passed me a glass and I must admit it looked good I used the straw to stir it then I took a sip
"Yeah it's good" i say, I wasn't trying to gas him up but it tasted really good

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now