Thirty-eight 🩷angry🩵

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——— I ain't a doctor or anything so please if anything Don't make sense don't come for me 😘😘😘——

Nyla PoV

I spotted Tate sitting in a high chair. He was crying and his face was red like he had been crying for a while. The music was so loud in the apartment that I could even hear the sound of tates cry.

As soon as he saw me he started screaming and crying even more my heart completely shattered. I picked him up and hugged him and I found where the music was coming from and I paused it

Everyone's conversation went quiet and nova and Kai turned around
"Your two better count your fucking blessings and think of some reason why I shouldn't get you both is some fucking trouble" I say to them

"Nyla" Kai say standing up

"Kai piss the fuck off! Like I said you both better work the fuck together to think of some reason why I shouldn't get you both in trouble" I say before walking out

I managed to calm Tate down on the way to the car and once I placed him in his car chair I got in the drivers seat and instantly broke down into tears. I drove home
"Jadon" I say walking in and still standing at the door cause I left Tate in the car

"Where have you been I have been calling you" he says coming towards me

"J...Jadon I need to take him to the hospital" I say

"Why what's wrong?" He asked

"Nova... nova she was having a house party there was so many people there loads of alcohol everybody was drunk
But there was people doing drugs Jadon
Smoking and everything
Literally everything. What if someone had given him something no one was keeping an eye on him" I say to him.

"Alright babe calm down, is he okay in himself?" He asked

"I don't know he was just crying and screaming when he saw me" I say

"He could be fine" Jadon says

"But I don't know" I say

"Are you willing to get your brother in trouble?" He asked

I just looked at him not having an answer
"You coming or not?" I asked him

"Do you need clothes?" He asked

"Yes quickly" I say

Jadon ran upstairs and packed Tate a few clothes the he came back down and got in the drive seat and drove to the hospital
"Rubi" I say seeing my best friend who is a nurse

"Yes you okay?" She asked

"I need you" I say

"Okay follow me" she says into a room

We went into the room and me and Jadon sat down and he was holding Tate who was sleeping
"Rubi I really need to tell you something"
I say

"Okay tell me" she says

"Kai my brother was looking after Tate while we was in London. We came back earlier and Kai wasn't at home with Tate so i knew he would be at novas. When I got there she was having a house party, Tate was left in a high chair. He was completely red in the face like he had been crying for ages but the music was so loud no one could hear his cry.
Rubi they were all drunk and doing drugs
I don't know if some one may have gave him something" I say to her

"Nova" she says rolling her eyes
"Is he okay in himself?" She asked

"I don't know I managed to calm him down but he went straight to sleep in the car" I say
"I just don't think I can get my brother in trouble Rubi" I say

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now