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Nyla PoV

It's been a couple of weeks since we came back from the Maldives, Jadon has gone back to training and playing games most weekends.

But there is something wrong!

I haven't been feeling myself recently I have been feeling more tired than ever, to the point I don't want to get out of bed of a morning and can't be bothered to di anything with Tate

But I haven't said anything to Jadon as I feel like when he is back playing and training he has enough to deal with
And plus I feel like this maybe a phase and I might get over it next week

But tonight Jadon has a game tonight for the champions league which me and Tate are going to. This morning we have all just been chilling
Jadon and Tate have been really cute too
Cuddling up on the couch together then sitting on the floor and Jadon playing with him

Later on Jadon is now changed into his travelling training kit and I'm making him a quick meal for him to eat, I also had a little something to eat and Tate had something too
Once Jadon ate he picked up Tate up and we went out to the car
Jadon out Tate in the in backseat and I got in the drivers seat and I started driving to old Trafford

It was way too early for me and Tate to go into the stadium but I drove jaodn as I wanted us all to go home together.
So Jadon took Tate out of his chair and he lifted him in the air before kissing his cheek
"I love you little man" jadon say to him

Jadon placed Tate in the stroller I have just set up and Jadon covered Tate with his blanket making sure he is warm.
Jadon then placed a kiss on my lips
"I love you" he says to me

"I love you too" I replied
Jadon walked to the players and staff entrance and I walked around Manchester just by old Trafford

It was cold and a little rainy so we went into a Starbucks and I got a coffee and I also got Tate a babychino and poured it into his baby bottle so it's more easir for him to drink out of

I also got us a croissant but I'm saving them for when we are watching the game.
I walked back over to old Trafford and we went into the Manchester United shop
Because in a few weeks we are going to Jadon nephews birthday and it is football themed meaning all the kids have to wear a football jersey

So I got Tate a jersey with sancho on the back and also with the number 25
And by now it's was time to go into the stadium and we went straight to the hospitality box

I sat on the balcony with Tate on my lap and we watched the team warm up
Then they soon started playing, but sadly Jadon wasn't playing he was on the bench

I started giving Tate small bites of croissant and he was also drinking his babychino

It is now the end of the game Jadon came on as a substitute and United won 3:0
Jadon then came up to us and then we left together

We went and got some food before going home

—- the next day

Me and Jadon woke up pretty early as he had a recovery session and some small training as he had a game over the weekend. But I was feeling exhausted
Me and Jadon got out of bed and we both had a shower then we got changed and Jadon helped me make the bed

"Dada" Tate says
I looked at Jadon cause I had no clue he was awake so I picked Tate up
"No mama" I say to him and Tate smiled

"No dada" Jadon says and Tate smiled even more
Jadon came over and took Tate off me
I finished putting the pillows on my bed while jadon went and changed Tates diaper and outfit

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now