nine🩷first game🩵

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Nyla PoV

This morning I woke up a little before Tate
I fell asleep really early last night
So I ended up waking up really early
So I made my bed then I went into my bathroom having a shower and getting dressed

This morning I woke up a little before Tate I fell asleep really early last night So I ended up waking up really early So I made my bed then I went into my bathroom having a shower and getting dressed

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(Nyla outfit)

I then went downstairs and I looked at the sink and noticed all the baby bottles I had to wash up
"Ugh" i groaned to my self

I started washing up the bottle and putting them on the drying rack to dry
And at the same time my doorbell rang
I walked to the door with a baby bottle in my hand
"Hey" I say

I started washing up the bottle and putting them on the drying rack to dry And at the same time my doorbell rang I walked to the door with a baby bottle in my hand "Hey" I say

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(Jadon outfit)

"Hey" he replied placing a kiss on my check then we had a hug

"You coming in?" I asked him

"Can I?"he asked

"Yeah of course" i say standing out of the way so he can come in
Once Jadon step in I closed the door and led the way back into my kitchen

Jadon sat down at the kitchen island and I carried on cleaning bottles
"You are looking good ma" Jadon says

I smile to myself as Jadon could not see my face then I turned around and showed him my smile
"Thank you, you look good too" i say

"In my training kit?" He asked smirking

"In anything" I say

"Thank you ma, where's my lil boy?"
He asked

"Being lazy and sleeping" i laughed

"Aww, you doing anything today?"'he asked

"Um maybe just a walk but nothing planned" i say as I finished washing up all the bottle and now I am putting them in the steriliser

"Well I have a home game today was thinking if you both wanted to come
You will be in the hospitality box
Just the two of you" Jadon says

"Um yeah I would like that" I say smiling a little and in the same moments Tate started crying

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now