Forty-nine🩷my main priorities🩵

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Nyla PoV

Around 2am this morning I woke up to Tate crying his house out. It's really unusual for Tate to be crying he always so happy so when I heard him cry I jumped out of bed and ran into his room and turned on his light

He was sitting up in his bed with his messy curly bed head hair with the most red cheeks. I noticed he had thrown up so I went into his bathroom and started running him a a little bath. While the bath was running I took Tate out of his bed and removed his pyjamas

I the meantime I removed the sheets off his bed and put on new ones. I then put Tate in the warm bath were I washed his hair and body to cool him down. I then took him out of the bath wrapping him in a towel and sitting him on the bathroom counter where I brushed his little teeth

Once getting Tate changed into some fresh pyjamas I got into his bed with him where he just crawled on me wanting hugs
"Oh baby what's wrong?" I say hugging him back

He was extremely hot and was very upset. I eventually made tate a little snack and a bottle of milk and I got back in his bed and we watched some tv before he went back to sleep.

— a few hours late

I woke up to the sound of tates bedroom door opening when I opened my eyes I saw Jadon walking in
"What's up babe?" Jadon asked

"I think he's sick" I say to Jadon

"Oh is he ok?" Jadon asked

"I don't know he's been asleep" I say to him

"Okay you want your coffee?" Jadon asked

"Yes please, could you make Tate some of his pancakes?" I asked Jadon

He smiled and nodded his head

After chilling in Tate bed for a little while he finally woke up. So I took him downstairs to the kitchen and placed him into his high chair cause his pancakes was about to be done

"Damn babe the bump is big" jadon says while placing a small pancakes on tates tray

I look down at my bump and saw how big it is
"That crazy normally it disappears of a morning" I say laughing

Jadon then came to me standing behind me putting his arms around my bump, he placed his chin on my shoulder and started kissing my neck. But then was interrupted by Tate crying and throwing his food on the floor

"Hey no you don't do that" I say
But he just cried more

I picked him up out of his high chair and I gave him a big hug
I decided to try and feed him some of the pancakes just so i know he has food in
Him but he didn't want any, he didn't even want a bottle of milk

—— thr next days

Yesterday was difficult with Tate his is really sick. Not eating or drinking which is really concerning me and is still throwing up even though he has an empty stomach.
I slept in his bed last night so I could keep I proper eye on him but I was up all night with him
He just would relax, crying all the time.

At 8:30 this morning after Tate finally fell asleep I got out if his bed and I went to mine and Jadon bedroom.
"Jadon" I say to Jadon who was already awake juts chilling in bed looking at his phone

Mhm he mumbled

"I think I need to take him to the hospital, he so sick" I say with a shaking voice cause i didn't know what was wrong with him

"Ok i will come with you" he says

"You have training" I say

"Not till later but I don't care anyways Tate first" Jadon says making me smile

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now