Thirteen🩷first vacation🔞🩵

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Nyla PoV

This morning I woke up to my alarm ringing that I set last night
I somehow pulled away from jaodn and got out of bed and the first thing I did was a shower

I washed my hair and shaved most of my body once I got out I got I changed and put my hair up in a towel

I washed my hair and shaved most of my body once I got out I got I changed and put my hair up in a towel

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(Nyla outfit)

When I got home yesterday I put all the clothes i brought in the wash so I went downstairs to get them all
Then I went into Tate room and started packing all his clothes, diapers , swimming diapers,sunscreen and other toiletries

Then I packed a his little suitcase full of toys ,iPad and more thing for the plane
I went into my closet and started packing all my clothes,toiletries,haircare,skincare in the same big suitcase as Tate as his clothes are only small

And then I packed my Louis Vuitton handbag with my charger and books. Everything was now mostly done we still had a couple of more hours before we needed to leave

So I went downstairs and started washing all tates bottles washing my pumps
Then I cleaned all my kitchen and my living room

I started organising the changing bag making sure everything was in there
And then I cleaned out the stroller as it was a mess and it was coming with us on vacation

Later on everything is now done
I went upstairs and sat on the side of the bed
"Good morning handsome" i says to tate as he opened his eyes
I picked him up and laid him down on my side of the bed and i started removing the blanket around him

He started doing his big stretches kicking his legs and smiling of course
I played with him for some time then Jadon started waking up
He turned over and laid on his back
"Damn good morning ma" jadon says

"Morning" i say

"You look good" he says to me

"Thank you" i says

"How long you been up?" He asked

"Since 5" I say to him

"You can get some sleep on the plane yeah" Jadon says

Mhm I mumbled
"Oh Jadon do I need to bring something for him to sleep in, at the place we are staying at or?" I asked Jadon

"No they have a crib for him" Jadon says

"Perfect" i says
Tate started getting a little frustrated so I started feeding him and Jadon was just looking at me with a smile plastered over his face

Once Tate was fed I started changing his diaper and putting his outfit on and Jadon went for a shower

Once Tate was fed I started changing his diaper and putting his outfit on and Jadon went for a shower

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His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now