Twenty-nine🩷thats it🩵

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Nyla PoV

Yesterday was probably one of the worst things I have been through, it was horrid!
But Jadon has been the best support and tates little face makes all my problems go away.

This morning I woke up feeling fine, for some reason I expected to feel some physical pain but I didn't I just felt some sort of mental pain. Jadon was asleep next to me and Tate was sleeping on top of him

I smiled

Jadon then started waking up and he looked at me and smiled
"Morning bae" he says

"Morning" I replied

"You feeling okay?" He asked

I just nodded my head
"I need to start getting ready I need to go and have a scan" I say to Jadon

"Alright I'm coming with you" he says

"No it's fine, I'm fine on my own" I say

"No way" he says

Jadon got out of bed carrying Tate and he started making the bed one handed
Then he laid Tate in the middle of the bed
I went into the bathroom and I had a shower then I did some skincare and I brushed my teeth and got dressed

Jadon did the same thing while waiting got him I sat on the bed for some reason I felt like my legs were weak
Jadon then got Tate dressed and we got in the car and Jadon started driving to the hospital

We arrived a minute late so we went right into the room
Jadon sat on the chair next to me with Tate on his lap
"How you feeling?" The doctor asked

"Okay" I say

"And yesterday the tablet worked?" He asked

"Yes" I replied

The doctor then started doing the ultrasound on my stomach and he was looking at the screen
"Right every things seems fine all the pregnancy tissue is gone and there also looks like there are no infections so no need for any surgery" he says

"Anything else we need to know doctor like resting?" Jadon asked

"Yes, please rest! I see you have a little one please try your hardest not to pick him up and don't be lifting anything you are very fragile at this moment in time
3 weeks max and you should be fine" he turned around and said

"Would i experience any pain?" I asked

"Yeah you will, In the next couple of days you may start to feel so cramping a bit like period pains and also back pains" he said

Me and Jadon are now back in the car
"How about we go for some breakfast?" Jadon suggested

"Okay" I say but still not actually feeling it
We arrived at a cafe and I have scrambled egg on toast and Jadon had pancakes ans also shared it with Tate

"You okay?" Jadon asked once we finished eating

"I just wanna go home now" I say

"Alright then let's go" he says

We left the cafe and we went back home
Me and Tate got changed into our pyjama's
And I chilled on the couch with Jadon while Tate was having his morning nap.
After a little while there was a knock at the door

"Fuck" I say remembering something

"What?" Jadon asked

"Remember your family and my family was coming over they told us a while ago" I say

"Shit" he says getting up and answering the door
My parents and siblings walked in including Jadon parents,siblings, niece and nephews and his step dad walked in

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now