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My steamy shower was filled with steamy thoughts of what had just happened between Captain Nozel and I. It was almost enough to get me aroused again. But the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't help getting excited at the thoughts and images of him... The sounds he made... What was even more exhilarating was that I knew for a fact that he wouldn't tell a single soul what we'd done tonight. He had a royal image to uphold after all.

As the time passed, I heard a small amount of noise every few minutes outside of the door. I figured that the royal was cleaning up and dressing himself again, not to mention he had to fix his hair to be able to walk the corridors where people were. The thought made me giggle. Just as I'd finished showering and turned the water off, I heard the door to the room close quietly. If he really did leave, he most likely wanted it to be discreet. He couldn't risk being seen leaving a peasant's bedroom during ungodly hours of the night.

I threw on my robe again, this time not tying it. If that bastard didn't leave, maybe I'll entertain him again... But when I opened the door, I could sense no mana other than my own and the faint traces of him that were left behind. He left nothing, except for a small tuft of fluff from his robe that proved he was there. Damn. He actually listened... That's surprising.

What got me thinking, however, was how Nozel seemed startled by me asking him to leave. It made me wonder if he enjoyed aftercare. Or maybe he wanted to shower with me. There was even a chance that he could have wanted to stay the night, because maybe there was some appeal to that aspect for him. But what the appeal to any of that was, I had no clue.

I shrugged it off and took note of how he'd neatly moved the simple wooden chair back against the wall like it had been before he entered. It seemed that even though he was a royal that probably gets catered to at all hours of the day, he wasn't so incompetent.

Then, thoughts of the silver-haired captain drifted away as I sat on the bed, still completely untouched. The sheets were totally smoothed out until I'd plopped my body onto them. Reaching across the bed to each side, I turned off the warmly lit lanterns, leaving the room in almost complete darkness save for the moonlight. 

Everything about the ambiance of the room felt unusually familiar. Me, alone and sitting on the edge of a bed in front of a large window. Rain pelting against the glass with the rare occasion of faint footsteps echoing through the distant hallway. Nothing on my skin but an untied, silk robe. I got goosebumps at the Deja Vu feeling. Even the way I sat up and clutched at my necklace as I looked down at the ground, hugging my body to comfort my deep insecurities was exactly the same as before.

...Before? This... This has happened before? 

I got chills to my right side as the air shifted beside me, most likely from the still-settling steam from the bathroom due to my hot shower. But when I turned my head to glance in that direction, I got a flash of an image before my eyes. It was so incredibly brief that I could barely pick out any details, but it was of a person. A man, I think. They had short hair and a wide, sharp jaw. They sat next to me, gaze down, staring at the ground with sad, dark-colored eyes.

But that was all the information the image held. It seemed to be a flashback of sorts, but I had not a single inkling as to who this person was, why they were with me, or why they looked so sad. A past partner, maybe? We both sat on the edge of a bed...

But if it were a partner... Wouldn't he remember me? 

I wondered if I'd come across this person yet. My right eye began to pain at the thought. I held up my hand to it in an effort to make it cease, but as always, it never worked. 

Closing my eyes, I sighed. If I were to admit the truth about my situation, it bothered the hell out of me that I couldn't remember anything. Despite having fun with my fellow squad members and enjoying going on missions, even the boring diplomatic ones that I had such an affinity for, I was in pain mentally. It hurt so much that I didn't know who I was.

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