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The next morning, I awoke to the feeling of someone stroking my hair. The sensation sent tingles down the back of my neck, so I hummed in pleasure. I heard a soft chuckle beside me. "You actually slept in for once."

It was the grumbly morning voice of Nozel. I smiled at the sound, nestling into the crook of his neck. This seemed to startle the man though, for he let out a noise that signaled his surprise. "Today, I don't mind. I know that once I sit up, I'll feel how hungover I am."

Nozel hummed back to me. "Very well. What are your plans today?"

I thought for a moment. "Well... We're supposed to be going back home today," I answered, realizing that I'd called the Black Bulls Hideout "home." I guess it is my home now. It's more of a home than the Capital could ever be. "But I'm not sure when. I guess that depends on whenever Gordon and Gauche come by..." I trailed off, thinking about how I should probably have Nozel leave soon so he's not stuck hiding from them if they decide to invite themselves in.

"Of course," Nozel said, rolling his eyes.

"What was that for?"

He looked at me intensely from across the pillow. I think that was supposed to be intimidating, but... It was more cute than anything. "You always have to leave when I stay. Maybe I'd like to actually spend a morning with you for once."

I looked away and scoffed. "You make it sound like a date..." As much as I enjoyed the date that William planned and executed for the two of us recently, I didn't want Nozel to start taking me on dates too.

"Of course not," he replied with a flush, "But am I not allowed to spend a day with you? It's something we've never done."

Sighing, I looked back over at him, hair unbraided and eyes still sleepy. "And why is a prideful royal like you so insistent on practically dating a peasant like me? Surely it's not just because I'm pretty?"

He merely glared at me.

"Or maybe it is a pride thing. Maybe you want to one-up William as much as you can because for whatever reason, you're jealous. Maybe it bothers you that I'm now also sleeping with the number-one ranked Captain in the Magic Knights instead of you."

Part of me regretted saying all that, because his expression seemed genuinely hurt. Nozel looked down, thinking. "That's-"

Knock knock.

I could sense both of our mana flaring up, but I quickly shut him down. "Stop it! It's just my friends. I can feel it. Just... Just stay here. Or hide in the bathroom or something. I'll make sure they don't come in."


He stood up and leaned against the wall next to the bed, crossing his arms and using a technique to suppress his presence. If I weren't looking at him, I'd never know he was there. After two more knocks, I ruffled my hair and answered the door. "Good morning you two!" I exclaimed, peeking only my head out.

Gauche took one look at me and said, "You look like shit."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks. When do you both want to leave today?"

Gauche glanced at Gordon, who nodded. "We decided we are going to take one last look around the library for anything we missed. But we want to leave before dinnertime."

I nodded. "I see. Well..." I trailed off, thinking for a moment. Maybe I should spend a day with Nozel. Maybe he'll surprise me. "I-I'm not feeling too great today. How about I meet up with you later?"

"Clearly," Gauche said with an annoying amount of sarcasm. "We'll see you later then."

And with that, they turned and left and I closed the door behind them, sighing in relief. A few moments later, I was met with Nozel's gaze. "Had a change of heart?" he asked coldly.

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