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A few days passed and surprisingly enough, I'd only been to the capital once and it was for a couple hours. During that time, Nozel had just been leaving when he spotted me. Boy, that made for an interesting quickie. He just couldn't get enough of me but I had no idea why. What was it about me?

All my other time and training was spent with the other Black Bulls, and it was a nice change. I'd learned to support better and be lighter on my feet. Not to mention that my instincts, intuition, and reflexes were better than ever.

Now we were at the beach, but more specifically in the Underwater Temple where we were supposed to retrieve a Magic Stone for the Wizard King. Apparently it was a special mission assigned to only the Black Bulls. Part of that amazed me, but at the same time I wasn't surprised. It seemed like Wizard King Julius trusted Yami and they were quite close.

I'd done my best to encourage Noelle to strengthen her magic at this time too, since we were all relying on her to be able to get us down here. I'd most definitely grown closer with both her and Asta because of this. I'd even briefly met a young girl named Kahono that they made friends with.

It was a hassle dealing with the people of the Underwater Temple, especially when we were coerced into the Temple Priest's game. But it was all ruined when the Eye of the Midnight Sun crashed the party.

Of course they're fucking here. Of course! We can't catch a damned break!

I found myself running frantically towards the incredibly dense mana that was in the biggest chamber of the temple. And soon, I was face to face with Vetto the Despair, the beast-like man that we encountered only a mere few days ago. My body shuddered, but when I felt Asta by my side, along with Vanessa and Finral, I knew I'd be okay. We would be okay. 

This feral man, no, being, was insanely intense. He had an amazing stamina and a tremendous amount of attack power. He was truly terrifying. I already had a gash in my left side because of him.

Once my three comrades began their combination attack system, I whispered my own little plan to Finral myself. My goal was to be able to stun him as many times as possible, so I fired my Psycho Slashes into his portals where they came out at many different directions, distances, and speeds. At first it was difficult for him navigate and this allowed Asta to get a couple hits in, but soon he started keeping up. His own instincts were just as sharp as mine, if not better.

Then, when there was a pause between both parties, his eyes locked on me. I knew that beforehand, he'd singled out a number of us and wounded them terribly to the point where they couldn't use their magic anymore. He severed Kiato's leg, destroyed Kahono's voice, and rendered Luck and Magna completely unconscious after they used up every last ounce of their magic and mana.

The one thing about my mind magic was that there was nothing about my body or being that was crucial to using it other than my hands and arms to direct it where I wanted, but that didn't mean he couldn't or wouldn't kill me. I quite literally screamed in fear as the beast-man made a b-line for me, not stopping until he had me in his grasp, initially grabbing me by the hair and ripping a huge chunk from my scalp and forcing my friends to stop in their tracks. I was now in their line of fire and I was the setback.

"You're the odd one out of your friends, aren't you?" he said harshly into my ear, the spit from his breath sticking to my skin. Vetto's massive hand gripped my right thigh so hard I thought I would lose blood circulation. His fingernails dug into my skin even harder than his grip, and I could feel my own hot blood pouring down my leg. "You don't fit in, nor are your attacks worth anything here! " I screamed again, this time in pain as his grip got even harder. and suddenly, I felt and heard a snap so loud it echoed throughout the tunnels. It was followed by even more of my screams of pain. The chamber was silent except for me.

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