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I already had my key out by the time I'd hobbled back to my personal suite, taking a few tries to shove it into the lock before opening the door and locking it again after I stepped inside. All I did was sit on the edge of the bed and let my mana flow freely as I did my best to sense when he was near. My body trembled with excitement when I heard light footsteps nearing the door, followed by my mana reacting to his own.

He must've been quite drunk as well, because he took an even longer time unlocking the door than I had. But as soon as our eyes met, I stood up and greeted him with a smirk. "What took you so long, hmm? You haven't drank more than two glasses, right?" He merely scoffed. "Hah! You're a terrible drinker, aren't you?"

That made his face get a little red. He closed his eyes as I set the bottle down beside us on the dresser. "I don't drink often."

"Well, if you're going to keep seeing me like this, that will have to change," I whispered, pulling Nozel down for a light kiss. He staggered a bit when I did this, but nonetheless started kissing me back with force.

He pulled away and gestured to the wine. "Are you going to open that?" His question caught me off guard since he'd just admitted to not being able to handle his liquor, but I went along with it anyway. It took a few tries, but I was able to pop the top off. As I poured, I felt Nozel's anxious hands up my dress and his lips on my neck. "I like this dress," he mumbled between kisses.

For a moment, I let my head fall back against him so he could have all of me, prompting him to suck on my skin to leave a mark. I didn't mind. Then, his lips met the chain of my pendant on accident. The royal pulled away and began fiddling with the clasp, managing to take it off before I could object. I spun around quickly, watching as he set it gently on the dresser beside the two full glasses of wine. "What are you doing?!" I exclaimed, feeling bare without it. It was the most important thing to me and he... He-

"Trust me. It will only get in the way of what I have planned," he smirked, narrowing his eyes that were glossed over from intoxication and looking at me with an expression that made me want to take him that very second. The pendant got lost in my thoughts.

But before he could kiss me again, I handed him a glass of wine and held up mine. "A toast to some good fucking sex," I practically moaned as we clinked glasses. His eyes watched me intently as I downed half of it, and I waited for him to drink the same amount, but he stopped after a few sips.

He hummed in thought. "I don't think I've drank this much before," he said plainly, looking down at the liquid in his glass.

"You don't have to drink it if you don't want to. The last thing I want is for you to get sick and have me end up taking care of you like a baby."

Nozel scoffed again. "Like hell that would happen." What surprised me was that he then managed to finish off the glass before setting it down and pulling me into a deep kiss, his arms around me as he walked us backwards. I was pinned against the wall, tasting the fruity wine on his tongue as we sloppily made out.

When he pulled away again, drunk on both the wine and me, a thick string of saliva stretched out between us, snapping when he got too far away. It felt cold when it came back to me, and I imagined it felt the same for him too. I was unexpectedly lifted off the ground and placed on the desk that sat neatly in the corner, my legs dangling off the edge. Nozel pushed the desk chair out of the way and smashed his lips against mine, my legs wrapping around him to pull him closer. But then, I got an idea and broke off from our kiss.

The silver-haired man seemed surprised at this, but said nothing as I unclipped his braid and ran my fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp. That made him groan deeply. "Why don't you get on your knees for me, pretty boy?"

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