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- 4 Years Ago -

- 3rd POV -

Julius sat in his office, boredly spinning a pen on his desk. His closest advisor, Marx, was standing beside him, annoyed. "Are you ever going to actually do your paperwork? Or are you just going to keep fooling around?"

The Wizard King sat back and groaned, covering his face with his hands. "But I don't wanna!" he complained, "I wanna go out and explore!"

Marx furrowed his brows in absolute frustration. "I have already told you so many times... No!"

"Aww..." he whined, picking up the pen and finally sorting out the papers into things he would approve and not approve. The approved papers were easy, but the ones he didn't approve had to be sent back with a lengthy note explaining why- and if it was something that could be approved upon, some constructive criticism.

It didn't take long for the papers to be sorted, and once they were, Julius stood up. "Now I'm taking a break!"

Marx stood in front of the door. "Absolutely not. It hasn't even been an hour!" As Julius pouted like a child, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Honestly, you're such a handful. No wonder you haven't married yet."

He received a laugh in return, his last comment ignored. "And you handle me well!" he joked, "You would make a wonderful father one day! Say... How do you do it?"

Marx looked up in surprise. "Do what?"

"Handle me!"

"Tch. My older sister is a handful like you. I guess I'm used to keeping her in check, although as the new head of our House, she's taken on a more responsible role in the past year. She's matured exponentially," he explained.

Julius relaxed, and his smile faded. "That's right. How are you coping with your parents' passing? It's been almost a year."

Marx's expression wavered. "It's been hard, but we've been managing."

Julius crossed his arms. "I see. You know, you speak of your sister a lot, yet I have never met or even seen her! What's she like?"

Marx managed a laugh for once- a rare occasion in His Majesty's presence, especially since he'd become the Wizard King. The two were quite close when they were members of the Grey Deer, but that was because they had a little more freedom from official duty. "She's like you, always running off to play in the woods or find a new animal to bring home. She's always been like that. Although I think you're much, much worse. She at least has common sense."

"Hey! I have common sense. I wouldn't be where I am now if I didn't," he joked, getting yet another smile from his friend and subordinate. "She sounds lovely," he expressed. "Is she betrothed?"

That question caught him off guard. "Married? Gods, no! Nothing can tie that woman down! Especially when it comes to relationships."

Lord Julius smiled softly. "Is that so? A woman after my own heart!"

Marx flinched. "What are you talking about? A-and why do you ask?" He was starting to catch on.

"Well, you joked about my not being married earlier. What about your sister? Do you think she'd like a guy like me?" he inquired, genuinely curious. "After all... You and many others have pestered me about not producing an heir yet."

"Don't be ridiculous! She is only a year older than me! Today is her birthday, as a matter of fact! Don't forget that I requested the night off months ago to take her out to dinner," he told, face turning a bit red with frustration. "And besides! You're thirty-nine years old, Lord Julius. Keep your own age in mind!"

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