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After William and I cleaned ourselves and the bed up and showered, we sat back on the balcony. His arm was wrapped gently around me, and my head was on his shoulder. A soft white blanket covered the majority of our bodies to combat the late-night chill. I found myself staring off into the distance at the moon on the horizon- something I didn't get to do the previous night for a few obvious reasons. Contently, I sighed.

Then, he rubbed my arm vigorously for a few seconds. "Come on. It's late. Let's get to bed," he insisted, voice tired. 

"Okay," was all I could manage as we walked to his bedroom and cuddled up with each other. I sighed into his shoulder as he held me.

"I meant everything that I said," he began, placing his lips gently on my forehead in a soft kiss. "And I really do like you a lot."

All I could do was sigh a second time. "I know," I replied quietly, unable to return the feelings. I knew it hurt him, but what could I do? I didn't love him, nor Nozel. I loved nobody. As William held me in his arms, I drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, William and I woke up early and started rushing around to get ourselves ready and presentable to return to our respective squads, although he was obviously more needed than I. He was a Captain. As I was scrambling to leave, I bid him a quick farewell and opened his door to leave. 

"Wait!" he called, quickly managing to shove on his mask before grabbing my wrist. I was already in the middle of the hallway at this point, so I was more than surprised when he kissed me passionately, my forehead bumping against his mask a few times. "Think about what I said, okay?"

I swallowed hard. "Okay."

"I've still got a few more things to sort out before leaving. I'll see you soon," he smiled, returning to his room and closing his door behind him. Once I knew I was fully alone, I blushed. Hard. But then I smiled because of how sweet he was. Damn... Maybe he might be worth trying something with once I sort myself out. ...Maybe.

As I walked back to my room, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. But every time I looked behind me or tried to sense who it was with my mana, the feeling went away. Huh. After finishing up in my own room briefly, I went on my way to find the Spatial mage I had arrangements with to head back to the base. 

After turning a corner, I came face to face with Nozel. His gaze was as cold and hard as the day I met him. "I need to speak with you," he said firmly.

"N-no, I'm really in a rush Nozel-" But he interrupted me.

"I won't-"

"Stop!" I yelled, finally sensing the Mage around the corner. Raising my voice caught the royal by surprise, for he clamped his mouth shut and merely looked at me. "I really have to go. Another time, okay?"

Nozel quite literally stood there and watched me leave the Capital via Spatial mage and once I found myself back at the Black Bulls' Base, I sighed. Although, I found myself curious to know what he had wanted to talk to me about. I shrugged it off and went about my day as usual.


A week had passed and Finral called a small meeting, coincidentally about Asta. Apparently no one else knew about the incurable curse on his arms. But of course, we were all concerned. As we all pitched in our ideas about how we might be able to help, I raised my hand to talk. "Actually, I already talked with the Wizard King about this recently," I chimed in.

"What?" yelled everyone.

"And you didn't think of saying anything?" asked Finral, clearly distraught over it.

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